
intellect n.1.理智,才智,智力。2.(集合的或個別的)明智者,...


Intellect is to the mind what sight is to the body 智力之于大腦,猶如視力之于軀體。

The market competition likes the war of intellect 現時的市場競爭就有如智慧的戰爭。

Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect 人類利用各種方法自欺欺人

I admire the intellect ' s capacity for work 我欽佩那位知識分子的工作能力。

She was short on intellect , but long on shape 她在智力上短一點兒,但外型還比較長。

Wandering between intellect and emotion on wen yi - duo ' s love poems 論聞一多的愛情詩

Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect . . 人類利用各種方法自欺欺人

She has no depth , no intellect , no interests 她沒有品位,沒有智慧,無足輕重

An intellect in the classroom , a sportsman out in the field 進得了課室,出得了操場

That ' s because you have never developed your intellect 那是因為你沒有發展你的智力

Patience is the basis of all intellect and wisdom 耐心是一切聰明才智的基礎。

Appeal to your intellect , spit poetry and shit at you 為求你的才智,我扮盡斯文樣

It is not intellect that tells so much as character 智能并不像品性那樣有影響。

It is an intellect to which one still listens 它是人們至今仍在聆聽的智慧之聲。

He was one of the most formidable intellects of his time 他是該時代的蓋世奇才

He had made up his mind that the killing he did was on the same moral level as death on the battlefield, and his emotions followed his intellect . 在他看來,他殺人和在戰場上互相殘殺的性質完全一樣;他的感情就是受這種信念支配的。

Still more, have i not the right to control to evade-to scorn-the fabrications of yet meaner intellects than my own ? 再說,為什么我就無權去約束,規避,譴責那些智慧低下的人們所捏造出來的無稽之談呢?

I don't want to see dorian tied to some vile creature, who might degrade his nature and ruin his intellect . 我不想看到道林跟一個惡毒的東西拴在一起,這會使他的天性退化,還會毀了他的理智。

Though “with me poetry has been not a purpose, but a passion“, intellect came to the rescue of imagination . 雖然他說“對我而言,寫詩不是目的,而是出自激情”,才智還是能彌補想象的不足。