
insusceptible adj.1.無感覺的,不受感動的;不易受…影響的 (of...


Satisfaction at the ubiquity in eastern and western terrestrial hemispheres , in all habitable lands and islands explored or unexplored the land of the midnight sun , the islands of the blessed , the isles of greece , the land of promise of adipose posterior female hemispheres , redolent of milk and honey and of excretory sanguine and seminal warmth , reminiscent of secular families of curves of amplitude , insusceptible of moods of impression or of contrarieties of expression , expressive of mute immutable mature animality 地球的東西兩半球所有已勘探或未勘探過的那些適于居住的陸地及島嶼午夜的太陽之國401幸福島402希臘的各個島嶼403被應許的土地404上,到處都是脂肪質女性臀部后半球散發出奶與蜜以及分泌性血液與精液的溫暖香氣,令人聯想到古老血統的豐滿曲線,既不喜怒無常,也不故意鬧別扭,顯示出沉默而永遠不變的成熟的動物性。

After worker recovers remaining sum of the memory inside account of housing accumulation fund , the right that its enjoy social security lawfully is insusceptible 職工提取住房公積金賬戶內存儲余額后,其依法享受社會保障的權利不受影響。

The clause in the contract is insusceptible of another interpretation 合同中的這條規定是不能有其他解釋的。

This illness is insusceptible of treatment 此病是不容治療的。

The clause is insusceptible of another interpretation . 這一條文不能有其他解釋。