
insurgent adj.1.起義的,造反的,暴動的。2.(波濤)洶涌澎湃...


The us military is planning to deploy robots armed with machine - guns to wage war against insurgents in iraq 美軍計劃將配備了機關槍的機器人戰士投入到打擊伊拉克反抗勢力的戰斗中去。

Outside the green zone , diplomatic convoys are prime targets for insurgents , militiamen and freelance kidnappers 在綠區外,外交車隊是反叛者、武裝人員和雇傭綁架者的主要襲擊目標。

Police say about 100 heavily armed insurgents stormed the compound in muqdidiya early tuesday morning 警方說,大約100名全副武裝的反叛份子星期二上午攻擊了米格達迪耶的政府機構。

Marines from fox . co . 2nd battalion 1st marines detain iraqi man for questioning to ascertain his whereabouts of insurgents 美軍扣留了一個伊拉克人來詢問其是否知道起義軍的下落。

The insurgents invaded the h _ tel des invalides military hospital to seize weapons and then headed for the bastille 反叛者沖入“榮軍院” (軍醫院)搶奪武器,隨后奔向巴士底獄。

He has begun tentatively tackling the lethal shiah militias , now as much a scourge as the sunni insurgents 他已經開始嘗試性收編什葉派軍隊,這對暴亂的遜尼派來說幾乎是場災難。

Iraqi police say insurgents killed at least 43 people in a wave of bombings and attacks across the country 伊拉克警方說,至少有43人星期一在伊拉克各地的炸彈和襲擊浪潮中死亡。

Nasser backed the arab insurgents , so the french were as eager as the british to see the back of him 納賽爾支持阿拉伯起義軍,因此法國和英國一樣,急切的想擺脫納賽爾的影響。

The shooting was the latest salvo by insurgents determined to undermine the country ' s post war reconstruction 暗殺行動是伊武裝分子企圖破壞伊拉克戰后重建的手段之一。

The assault was the biggest u . s . offensives since the insurgent stronghold of fallujah fell last fall 美軍稱該地區已成為“外來武裝分子走私武器的通道和避難所” 。

An iraqi insurgent leader has claimed that his group has begun to manufacture its own rockets 一名伊拉克反叛領導人宣稱,他的組織已經開始自行制造火箭彈。

Suspected insurgents ambushed a nato convoy in southern afghanistan overnight monday 周日晚,疑似起義武裝的部隊埋伏在阿富汗南部襲擊了一支北約護航車隊。

At least 2 dozen more people are dead in iraq as a result of insurgent attacks 一輛停靠在巴格達旁一個什葉派聚居地的汽車站的汽車在交通高峰期發生爆炸。

But the radicals among the sunni insurgents seem able to impose their agenda on the rest 但是遜尼暴亂分子看起來更像是將他們意愿強加給持不同意見的人。

Witnesses said the insurgents / militants launched a rocket - propelled grenade against one of the cars 目擊者說,武裝分子朝著其中一輛汽車發射了火箭彈。

But he also says insurgents attack every day , and he cautions against excessiveoptimism 但是他同樣說到反叛分子每天都會攻擊,他告誡大家不要過于樂觀

But he also says insurgents attack every day , and he cautions against excessive optimism 但他同時表示叛軍每天都在發動攻擊,并提醒人們不要過度樂觀。

But he also says insurgents attack every day , and he cautious against excess optimisim 但是他同樣說到反叛分子每天都會攻擊,他告誡大家不要過于樂觀

Suspected insurgents ambushed a nato convoy in southern afghanistan overnight monday 周一晚上在南部阿富汗,嫌疑是暴動武裝部隊襲擊了一支北約車隊。