
insurgency n.1.起義,暴動,叛變行動[性質、狀態]。2.=ins...


At the other extreme , some writers become bogged down in the bewildering complexity underneath this simple framework : the tangled skein of ethnic rivalries and grudges that have fuelled one of the world ' s longest running civil wars , fought by more than a dozen armed insurgencies around myanmar ' s borders 在另一個極端,一些作家在這種簡單框架下令人迷惑的復雜性問題中陷入困境:種族競爭的混亂和怨恨已經成為世界最持久的內戰之一的導火燃料,在瑪雅邊界有多余一打的暴動武裝分子挑起戰爭。

At the other extreme , some writers become bogged down in the bewildering complexity underneath this simple framework : the tangled skein of ethnic rivalries and grudges that have fuelled one of the world ' s longest running civil wars , fought by more than a dozen armed insurgencies around myanmar ' s borders 而在另一極端,一些作家則深陷入這簡單的框架下那令人迷惑的復雜結構:糾葛在一起的種族敵對和仇恨,這種仇恨和敵對造成了世界上為其時間最長的內戰,超過12支武裝分子在緬甸邊境作戰。

At the other extreme , some writers become bogged down in the bewildering complexity underneath this simple framework : the tangled skein of ethnic rivalries and grudges that have fuelled one of the world ' s longest running civil wars , fought by more than a dozen armed insurgencies around myanmar ' s borders 另一個極端的傾向是,一些作家在這個簡單的現狀框架下,陷入撲朔迷離的復雜敘述中:盤根錯節的種族紛爭和推動了世界上最長久內戰的憤恨情緒,這次內戰涉及猖獗在緬甸邊境的超過一打的武裝反動勢力。

But in iraq the light , mobile force that smashed its way to the centre of baghdad was plainly inadequate for the task of garrisoning the country , securing the borders and arms dumps , confronting the insurgency and preventing the slide to sectarian war 然而在伊拉克,猛沖進巴格達市中心的輕裝機動的部隊顯然不足以完成在這個國家駐防,保障邊境以及解除武裝,對抗反叛以及防止其滑入宗教戰爭等等一系列的任務。

The rate of violent deaths in war - ravaged northern uganda is three times higher than in iraq and the 20 - year insurgency has cost $ 1 . 7bn ( ? 980m ) , according to a report by 50 international and local agencies released today 英國獨立國家報的報導指出,根據一份由多個非政府組織共同合作完成的烏干達情勢報告,該國北方戰爭肆虐,因為武裝沖突而死亡的平民人數比伊拉克高三倍, 20年的內戰更讓烏國耗費掉17億美金。

Since king gyanendra took direct power six months ago , promising to quell the insurgency , his government has announced plans to make education more “ nationalist “ , which means greater adulation of the royal family 自從尼泊爾國王賈南德拉在6個月前,承諾,他的政府已經宣布好些計畫,要讓尼泊爾教育更加的國家主義,實際上只是對尼泊爾皇室更多的阿諛奉承。

The paper reported it received them from a u . s . military source who hoped the humiliating photos would hurt the iraqi insurgency , which has been conducting an intensified bombing campaign in recent weeks 報紙報導說這些照片來自美軍內部,提供這些侮辱性的照片的人說希望籍此打擊伊拉克抵抗力量。伊拉克的抵抗力量幾周來加強了炸彈襲擊的力度。

Secretary rumsfeld said he expects the army to do its best to provide the badly needed armor to protect against the insurgency , the strength of which he admits was underestimated 拉姆斯菲爾德說,他預計美國陸軍會盡最大可能向部隊提供急需的裝甲防護,為頻繁遭到反叛分子襲擊的軍人提供保護。他承認過低估計了反叛分子的實力。

The reigniting of widescale violence now would cause serious difficulties for coalition forces and the iraqi interim government , already struggling against an unrelenting insurgency by sunni militants 什葉派武裝大規模沖突的,將會使聯軍與伊拉克臨時政府面臨更多困難。目前他們正疲于應付此起彼伏的遜尼派武裝分子暴力事件。

Until recently , a pro - syrian analyst had been telling me about their “ sandwich strategy “ for squeezing america in iraq between a syrian - backed insurgency and iranian pressure 直到最近,一位親敘利亞的分析家還一直對我講述他們的“三明治戰略” ,即讓美國被夾在伊拉克兩頭受氣,內有得到敘利亞支持的暴亂,外有伊朗人的壓制。

The more adventurous tourists can sample the army camps of kashmir , a state that has been wracked by an insurgency since 1989 and where more than 80 , 000 people have died 喬杜里還表示,在推出鄉村之旅后,旅游部門還將打造驚心動魄的克什米爾軍營之旅。克什米爾地區自1989年戰亂以來遭嚴重破壞,戰亂造成8萬人喪命。

“ the hanging of saddam hussein will turn to hell for the americans , “ said vitaya wisethrat , a respected muslim cleric in thailand , which has its own islamic insurgency in the country ' s south 5日當天,伊朗各大媒體紛紛在頭版頭條刊發了薩達姆即將接受判決的消息,大多數伊朗民眾都表示,薩達姆應該被處以死刑。

More audaciously , he had demanded investigations into several of an alleged 400 cases where people have disappeared , mostly from his native baluchistan , where an insurgency is flickering 更勇敢的是,他還要求調查據稱共400起公民失蹤案件中的數起,其中大部分來自于他那閃爍著暴動星火的家鄉?俾路支省。

Ms . rice said u . s . - syrian relations are worsening because of other factors , including the use of syrian territory by elements supporting the iraqi insurgency 賴斯國務卿說,由于其他的因素,美國跟敘利亞的關系正在惡化,這些因素包括一些人利用敘利亞領土支持伊拉克的反叛活動。

Most of the money - an estimated $ 4 billion since 2000 - has gone to fund plan colombia , which helps fight the largely drug - financed colombian insurgency 大多數的錢(自2000年以來估計有40億美元)都用在哥倫比亞的規劃基金上,絕大部分用來幫助打擊依靠毒品交易的哥倫比亞叛軍。

U . s . officials described the area as a known smuggling route and a haven for foreign fighters involved in iraq ' s insurgency 據悉,這是繼6個月前圍攻費盧杰以來,駐伊美軍采取的最大規模作戰行動之一,其主要目的是掃除伊拉克西北部靠近敘利亞邊境地帶的反美武裝據點。

The military said earlier that u . s . and iraqi forces have concluded a 17 - day counter - insurgency offensive ( operation steel curtain ) near the syrian border 軍方早些時候說,美國和伊拉克部隊已經完成了在敘利亞邊界附近展開的歷時17天、代號“鐵幕”的清剿行動。

They say the insurgents are using those bases to stage attacks on international forces in afghanistan , and as a haven from ongoing counter - insurgency operations there 他們說武裝分子利用那些基地作為襲擊聯合國在阿富汗部隊的舞臺,和作為躲避打擊行動的天堂。

Nato officials say the death of dadullah is a “ serious blow “ to the taleban insurgency . he was killed in helmand province during a u . s . - led operation , supported by nato forces 達杜拉是在赫爾曼德省由美國領導并得到北約部隊支持的一次行動中被打死的。