
insuperable adj.1.不能克服的,難以越過的。2.不可戰勝的,無敵...


9 . this substantial , but not insuperable , reservation aside , i am confident that , in terms of producing business for hong kongs banks , the creation effect of wto entry will outweigh any diversion that will arise from the preference of some foreign banks and enterprises for dealing directly with the mainland 9 .撇開這個重要,但卻并非無法克服的問題不談,我有信心從為香港銀行帶來業務機會的角度來看,入世的創造效應會超越因為部分境外銀行與企業選擇直接與內地交易而產生的轉移效應。

Apart from this insuperable feeling of antipathy to her , princess marya was at that moment agitated by the fact that on the rostovs having been announced the old prince had shouted that he didnt want to see them , that princess marya could see them if she chose , but they were not to be allowed in to see him 除開這種不可克服的反感,公爵小姐瑪麗亞這時候還感到激動不安,當仆人通報羅斯托夫家里人來訪的這一瞬間公爵叫喊起來,說他無須乎會見他們,如果公爵小姐瑪麗亞愿意的話,就叫她去接見好了,他不允許他們去見他。

The tax authority of hong kong is highly experienced and well acclaimed for its efficiency . there are numerous problems associated with the administration and compliance of the well tested sales tax but they will not be insuperable 雖然在外國已十分通行的銷售稅會帶來不少行政和避稅問題,但憑香港稅務局豐富的經驗和高效能,此種問題總可以獲得解決。

The internal reason , which is the certain result , is inevitable and insuperable , and so , these principles and methods to resolve the conflicts must to be found mainly from those external reasons 沖突的內因是權利交叉保護的結果,是短時間內難以根除的。因此研究解決沖突的原則和方法主要從如何消除引發權利沖突的外因方面去解決。

However , all of them had the same insuperable problem that the epitaxy of gan thin film had to be happened in high temperature no less than 1000 c . as a result , impurity as well as structure defect will be induced 上述方法均面臨一個問題,那就是gan薄膜的生長要在約1000的溫度下進行,其結果是造成晶格結構缺陷的產生。

Perhaps it may be got over - explained away ? hardly , was the answer . i have called it insuperable , and i speak advisedly “幾乎不可能, ”那人回答, “我稱它難以克服,是經過深思熟慮后才說的。 ”

Moreover there has been an insuperable gap between cognitive factors of ancient and modern world 加之古今人間的思維模式存在著晦如昊光的代溝。

In the face of insuperable difficulties , we maintain our courage and will to resist 面對無法克服的困難,我們仍有勇氣和決心堅持到底

But none of this is insuperable 但這一切還都不是定局。

But not , i think , an insuperable one 但我認為這并不是無法克服的困難。

The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable 我們面臨的困難似乎是不可克服的。

Am i severed from you by insuperable obstacles 難道你我被不可逾越的障礙隔開了?

I feel i should tell you that from an administrative point of view the difficulties of extricating this force in full are insuperable . 我覺得應該告訴你,從后勤觀點來看,要全部撤出這支部隊有不可克服的困難。

Insuperable difficulties, as it seems to me, prevent from coming to any just conclusion on this head . 可是依我的意見,似乎尚有不可克服的困難,足以阻礙我們對于這個問題作出任何恰當的結論。