
insult n.1.侮辱,凌辱。2.〔古語〕攻擊,襲擊。3.損害。短...


I have passed a wretched night in endeavouring to excuse a conduct which can scarcely be called less than insulting . 我痛苦地度過了一整夜,力求找到一種理由,來解釋你那種幾乎可以叫做污辱的行為。

If you have only taken a distaste to my society, it will be proper for me to judge if i'm insulted . 要是你光是討厭我,不愿意跟我在一起,那我倒要考慮一下,看我是不是受了侮辱。

Perhaps the insults of the men were not, however, so intolerable to her as the sympathy of certain women . 對于她來說,男人們的侮辱雖然難受,恐怕還不如有些女人的同情那么刺心。

They said kelso got some rascally adventurer, some belgian brute, to insult his son-in-law in public . 他們說是凱爾索指使某個下賤的冒險家,一個比利時惡棍,來當眾侮辱他的女婿。

In my experience you'll never insult anyone by letting them know they have a high monetary value . 根據我的經驗,讓人知道,用金錢衡量,他們很有價值,這決不會冒犯任何人。

Very roughly, the insulting value of a concrete is inversely proportional both to its density and to its strength . 很近似地說,混凝土的隔熱值與其密度和強度均成反比。

His picture appeared in time without insult and in newsweek with praise . 他的照片在《時代》周刊登出時,沒有遭到任何貶責,《新聞周刊》還對他大加贊揚。

Your masters will have you in their power to insult and sweat and drive . 你們的老板還是有權侮辱你們,剝削你們,奴役你們。

I beg your pardon but the woman you are insulting happens to be my wife . 請你注意,你侮辱的這個女人正是我的妻子。

“stop it,“ he said. “in a while we would say insulting things. “ “算了吧,”他說。“再說下去你我就要損人了。”

In the old days i would have insulted them and picked a fight . 要是在從前,我準會侮辱他們一下,跟他們爭吵一頓。

She insulted my mother , so i have an account to settle with her . 她侮辱我的母親,我得跟她算這筆帳。

Any other solution was an insult to his military honour . 任何其他解決辦法都是對他的軍人尊嚴的冒犯。

I am not prepared to stay and listen to these outrageous insults . 我可不愿意在這兒受這種奇恥大辱。

In his shy vulnerable way he receives the insults in silence . 他羞怯而脆弱,默默地忍受了種種侮辱。

He dares to insult me . 他竟敢侮辱我。

Our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult . 我們的抗議招來更多的鎮壓和羞辱。

In spite of these insults , she managed not to get angry . 她盡管受到這些侮辱,還是忍著沒發火。

Mr. mcgeary was very angry on the score of jeff's insult . 麥加雷先生由于杰夫的侮辱而非常生氣。