
insubstantial adj.無實體的;不實在的;幻想的;不堅固的;脆弱的。n...


Lomborg and the economist may call them “ weak on substance , ” but our pieces echo identical criticisms that have been made in reviews published by nature , science , american scientist , and a wide variety of other scientific sources ? not venues where insubstantial criticisms would hold up 隆伯格與《經濟學人》或許會說這些駁斥意見缺乏實質,但是《自然》 、 《科學》 、 《美國科學家》 ,以及其他一大堆各式各樣科學刊物所刊出的書評,都與我們的意見相呼應;如非有憑有據的評論,那些媒體可不會隨便刊登的。

This dissertation makes it clear the application premise of the doe , and based on which expounds the limitations to the whole doctrine of equivalents and all elements rule , then suggests the organic combination of them . meanwhile , the dissertation holds that the subjective standard for evaluating equivalency should be “ the average technician pertaining to this field “ , the objective standard be “ insubstantial difference “ , and the time be at the time of infringement . in addition , the dissertation stands for the abolition of the unnecessary appointing rule in consideration of some problems existing in this rule 在闡明等同原則適用前提的基礎上分析了整體等同理論和全部技術特征原則的局限性,并建議將兩者有機結合起來;同時,主張判定等同的主體標準應是“所屬技術領域的普通技術人員” ,客觀標準應是“非實質性不同” ,判定等同的時間應以侵權日為準;另外,鑒于多余指定原則存在諸多問題,主張廢除該原則。

A hong kong romantic comedy that correlates a paper thin “ hair washing “ theory with love relationship . similar to that , the idea of corresponding love with blood type is also insubstantial 和該片借洗頭搞出既無厘頭又極為單薄的愛情理論一樣此片以血型為題材妙論愛情關系本身的基礎也非常單薄。

Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue 早期的飛行器是木頭和膠粘合的脆弱機器

Despite the insubstantial mustache 盡管長著一撮稀疏的小胡子

The rest were an insubstantial pageant 其余的都不過是華而不實的過眼煙云罷了。

Out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend . 從那些長期遮住他視線的虛無縹渺的迷霧中,現在突然跳出了一個有血有肉的惡魔!

Finite personalities are insubstantial fragments of this engulfing spiritual unity . 有限的人格是這種兼容并包的精神統一的非實體的碎片。

His world is, on the whole, made wonderfully interesting. but it is insubstantial . 他的世界大體說來寫得非常有趣。但是虛構的。

The rest were an insubstantial pageant . 其余的人都不過是華而不實的過眼煙云罷了。