
inspissate vt.,vi.1.(使)濃縮,(使)濃厚,(使)強烈。2...


This ultrafilter adopts dissymmetrical semipermeable film which is made from macromolecule material with special process , the raw liquid flows under pressure , inside or out side the film , the macromolecule substance and colloid particles in the raw liquid are clogged at the film suface and are brought away by circulating raw liquid . then the raw liquid becomes inspissated , and further more , the substance in liquid is separated 本設備是以高分子材料采用特殊工藝制成的不對稱頭透膜,在壓力作用下,原液在膜內或膜外流動,其中的高分子物質,以及膠體粒子則被阻止在膜面,被循環流動的原料帶走而成為濃縮液,從而達到了物料的分離濃縮和提純的目的。

This ultrafilter adopts dissymmetrieal semipermeable film which is made from macromolecule material with special process . the raw liquid flows under pressure , inside out side the film suface and are brought away by circulating raw liquid . then the raw liquid becomes inspissated , and further more , the subtance in liquid is seperated 本設備是以高分子材料采用特殊工藝制成的不對稱頭透膜,在壓力作用下,原頁在膜內或膜外流動,其中的高分子物質,以及膠體粒子則被阻止在膜面,被循環流動的原料帶走而成為濃縮液,從而達到了物料的分離濃縮和提純的目的。

This ultrafilter adopts dissymmetrieal semipermeable film which is made from macromolecule material with special process the raw liquid fiows under pressure , inside or out side the film the mscromolecule substance and colloid particles in the raw liquid are clogged at the film suface and are brought away by circulating raw liquid then the raw liquid becomes inspissated , and further more , the subtance in liquid is seperated 本設備是以高分子材料采用特殊工藝制成的不對稱頭透膜,在壓力作用下,原液在膜內或膜外流動,其中的高分子物質,以及膠體粒子則被阻止在膜面,被縮和提純的目的。

This cast of the bronchial tree is formed of inspissated mucus and was coughed up by a patient during an asthmatic attack 通過粘液和模仿咳嗽建立哮喘發作時病人的支氣管樹模型。

Inspissated bile syndrome 膽汁濃縮綜合征