
insouciance n.〔法語〕漫不經心,滿不在乎。 insoucianta...


Let me ask why , after the parade of public figures in recent decades ? their lies , their finger - wagging denials , their evidence - shredding insouciance ? should the public retain high moral expectations for athletes , who are famous mostly because of hand - eye coordination 我倒想要問問,我們這幾十年來明明看慣了公眾人物的謊言、面對質問時的矢口否認、不在乎證據擺在眼前等丑態,為什麼大家應該對運動員抱有極高的道德期望?

Provides tandy with a sharp - sighted insouciance : her daddy has “ hands like bread baked too long “ and the hat worn by a fellow churchgoer resembles “ a flying saucer ready for takeoff . “ . . 提供tandy以一sharp - sighted漠不關心:她的爸爸有“手象面包太長期被烘烤“并且帽子由上教堂禮拜的人戴類似“飛行茶碟準備好起飛。 “

On all three counts , american diplomats are frustrated by what they see as europe ' s insouciance 在這三點上,歐洲的安然之態令美國外交家們備感挫折。