
insipidity n.無味;枯燥,平淡。


She observed her guests ' expressions glazing over with boredom at the insipidity of the conversation 她注意到客人們由于對枯燥無味的談話感到厭煩,臉上露出了無精打采的樣子。

The insipidity and yet the noise ; the nothingness and yet the self - importance of all these people 既枯燥乏味,又吵鬧不堪,無聊到了極點。這批人又一個個都自以為了不起!

The act he had prefigured for weeks with a thrill of pleasure, yet it was no less than a miserable insipidity to him now that it had come . 他好幾個星期以來,就在懷著快樂的悸動期待著會有這個舉動;可是現在來了,他反而覺得蒼白無力了。

The insipidity of the meeting was exactly such as elinor had expected; it produced not one novelty of thought or expression . 聚會正如埃莉諾所預料的那樣枯燥無味,它在思想和言談方面都沒有表現出任何新穎之處。

The insipidity of the meeting was exactly such as elinor had expected . 聚會的枯燥無味恰如埃莉諾預料的。