
insentient adj.無知覺的,無感覺的;無生命的,無情感的。-enc...


Somewhere she was tender , tender with a tenderness of the growing hyacinths , something that has gone out of the celluloid women of today . but he would protect her with his heart for a little while . for a little while , before the insentient iron world and the mammon of mechanized greed did them both in , her as well as him 她有點什么溫柔的東西,象滋長著的溫柔的玉簪花似的溫柔的東西,這東西是今日化學晶的婦女們所沒有的了,但是他定要誠懇地把她保護一些時日,只一些時日,直至無情的鐵世界和機械化的貪婪世界把她和他自己同時壓倒。

What selfimposed enigma did bloom about to rise in order to go so as to conclude lest he should not conclude involuntarily apprehend ? the cause of a brief sharp unforeseen heard loud lone crack emitted by the insentient material of a strainveined timber table 由于怕總也下不了決心,為了讓事情有個結局而剛要站起來走去的時候,布盧姆對自己出的什么隱謎不由自主地恍然大悟?

He found her too familiar , she found him stupidly insentient , tough and indiarubbery where other people were concerned . she went downstairs calmly , with her old demure bearing , at dinner - time 她呢,她覺得她一提到他人的事的時候,他是呆木無感的,堅韌得和橡膠似的。

And it is a battle against the money , and the machine , and the insentient ideal monkeyishness of the world 她授助我和金錢機械以及世人的獸性的呆鈍的理想作戰。

Said the king to the queen , “ tell me , is the mango tree a sentient or an insentient object ? 然后國王問皇后:你告訴我,這棵芒果樹是有情還是無情的眾生?

Regarding insentient beings , are they able to recover their spirits 至于無情的眾生,能不能恢復靈性呢?

“ an insentient object , my lord , “ answered the queen 皇后說:芒果樹沒有感情,它是無情的眾生。