
inscrutable adj.莫測高深的,不可思議的,費解的。 an insc...


The counterfactual “ secondary world “ that rowling creates is one in which magic simply works , and works as reliably , in the hands of a trained wizard , as the technology that makes airplanes fly and refrigerators chill the air - those products of applied science being , by the way , sufficiently inscrutable to the people who use them that they might as well be the products of wizardry 在羅琳創造的反事實的“第二世界”里,魔法是有效的,并且在一個受過訓練的巫師手里可以有十分可靠的表現,就像讓飛機起飛和冰箱制冷的科技一樣? ?其實那些產品運用了使用者都完全不了解的技術,還不如理解為魔法產品。

Franz did not doubt that these plans were the same concerning which the count had dropped a few words in the grotto of monte cristo , and while the count was speaking the young man watched him closely , hoping to read something of his purpose in his face , but his countenance was inscrutable especially when , as in the present case , it was veiled in a sphinx - like smile “弗蘭茲懷疑這些計劃是否和他在基督山的巖洞里所透露出的那一點口風有關,所以當伯爵說話的時候,這位青年仔細地觀察著他,希望能從他臉上看到一點蛛絲馬跡,究竟是什么計劃促使他到巴黎去。但要看透那個人的心是非常困難的,尤其當他用一個微笑來掩飾著的時候。

The first battles went badly , and now as earth prepares to defend itself against the imminent threat of total destruction at the hands of an inscrutable alien enemy , all focus is on the development and training of military geniuses who can fight such a war , and win 開始的一戰結果很糟糕,現在呢,地球已經準備好要保衛自己免于即將來臨的被不了解的異族敵人完全毀滅的威脅,而一切的焦點,就取決于挖掘并訓練那些軍事天才的能力,只有他們能夠進行這場戰斗,并且,取得勝利。

In some of these cases , attributes were more appropriate because the specific internal product code would not be of primary interest to most readers or processors of the document , especially when the id was of a very long or inscrutable format 其中的一些情形采用屬性更合適,因為特定的內部產品代碼不會成為多數讀者或者文檔處理人員關心的主要目標,尤其是如果id非常長或者采用難以理解的格式。

We have as yet hardly spoken of the infant ; that little creature , whose innocent life had sprung , by the inscrutable decree of providence , a lovely and immortal flower , out of the rank luxuriance of a passion 我們迄今尚未談及那個嬰兒那個小家伙是秉承著高深莫測的天意而誕生的一個清白無辜的生命,是在一次罪惡的情欲泛濫中開放的一株可愛而不謝的花朵。

In any of the burial - places of this city through which i pass , is there a sleeper more inscrutable than it busy inhabitants are , in their innermost personality , to me or than i am to them 在我所經過的這座城市的墓地里,哪里有一個長眠者的內心世界對于我能比那些忙忙碌碌的居民更為深奧難測呢?或者,比我對他們更為深奧難測呢?

When in the morning i looked upon the light i felt in a moment that i was no stranger in this world , that the inscrutable without name and form had taken me in its arms in the form of my own mother 早起我看到光明,我立刻覺得在這世界里我不是一個生人,那不可思議,不可名狀的,已以我自己母親的形象,把我抱在懷里。

It was vain to try to read with such an inscrutable fixture before me ; nor could i , in my impatience , consent to be dumb ; he might rebuff me if he liked , but talk i would 面前站著這么一個不可思議的固定物,想要看書也看不進去。而在這種不耐煩的時刻,我也不愿當啞巴。他要是不高興,盡可拒絕我,但我要同他交談。

His inscrutable face , which was really a work of art , a perfect study in itself , beggaring description , conveyed the impression that he didn t understand one jot of what was going on 他那張令人莫測高深的臉確實是件藝術品。它本身就完全是一門可供研究的課題,非筆墨所能形容。他仿佛絲毫也不了解正在發生著的事。

He sat square and well - groomed in his chair , his hair sleek and blond , and his face fresh , his blue eyes pale , and a little prominent , his expression inscrutable , but well - bred “他堂皇地談藍色的眼睛有些凸出他的表情是不可思儀的,但是很斯文。不過希爾達哪里管他態度怎樣鎮定,她已準備戰斗了。

And then , again , i am not as brave and courageous as was my poor brother . “ bertuccio hid his face in his hands as he uttered these words , while monte cristo fixed on him a look of inscrutable meaning 貝爾圖喬說這幾句話的時候用雙手捂住了他的臉,而基督山則用一種無法描述的目光凝視著他。

This is a story about love . about inscrutable complexity and remarkable simplicity , about the promise of forever . it is about obsession and devotion , and grand gestures 這是一個有關愛的故事,有關變幻莫測的復雜和超凡脫俗的簡單,有關一個永遠的承諾,有關蠱惑、虔誠和偉大。

This is a story about love . about inscrutable complexity and remarkable simplicity , about the promise of forever . it is about obsession and devotion , and grand gestures 這是一個有關愛的故事,有關變幻莫測的復雜和超凡脫俗的簡單,有關一個永遠的承諾,有關蠱惑虔誠和偉大。

How inscrutable are the ways of providence - for what great and mysterious purpose has it pleased heaven to abase the man once so elevated , and raise up him who was so abased ? 天意真太難測了!究竟是因為什么蒼天要貶黜一個顯赫有名的人,去抬舉一個軟弱無能的人呢? ”

Every time when i together with you , my heart was lifted up and down , moved only by some mortal breath . there was this inscrutable unrest within me 每一次當我與你,我的心不知所措的上下顫栗,僅僅憑借微弱的呼吸來維系,它對我來說是那般的局促不安

I still stood absolutely dumfoundered at what appeared to me her miraculous self - possession , and most inscrutable hypocrisy , when the cook entered 我依舊站在那里,正被她出奇的鎮定和難以理解的虛偽弄得目瞪口呆時,廚師進門來了。

If you have a strong or strange accent , be it teochew or thatcher , drop it by all means . unlearn your pronunciation if it ' s inscrutable 假如你有濃重的怪腔調不論是潮州腔,或是前英國首相撒切爾夫人般的超強英國腔千萬要改掉。

Meanwhile the mail - coach lumbered , jolted , rattled and bumped upon its tedious way , with its three fellow - inscrutable inside 與此同時郵車正載著三個難測的奧秘轟隆轟隆、顛顛簸簸、叮叮當當地行走在蕭索無聊的道路上。

I want to stay near here tonight . not here : near here ! hilda fixed her sister with grey , inscrutable eyes “但是,希爾達, ”康妮說,心里有點驚懼著她要說下去的話“今晚我要在這我和附近過夜不是這兒是這兒附近。 ”