
insatiable adj.不知足的,貪得無厭的。 an insatiabl...


1 human beings in all times and places think about their world and wonder at their place in it . humans are thoughtful and creative , possessed of insatiable curiosity 不同時代和不同地域的人們都在思考他們的世界,并且想知道他們在其中的位置,人類能夠思考并且有創造力,具有無限的好奇。

The government , while maintaining social order and delivering the bare essentials in housing and other services , was unable to satisfy the insatiable needs of the exploding population 面對這些轉變,政府一方面專注維持社會秩序,一方面為市民提供住屋及其他基本公共服務。

The demand for electricity appeared to be insatiable , so he dreamed of trumping the burgeoning landline networks by distributing both power and messages without wires 電力的需求似乎難以滿足,所以他的夢想是,不用電線來傳送電力及信號,來打敗剛萌芽的地面電力網。

Many nations are saddled with large numbers of such enter prises , whose inefficiency is legendary and whose appetite for state subsidies is insatiable 很多國家都負擔了數目龐大的(國營)企業。這些企業缺乏效率是家喻戶曉的,需要政府補貼的胃口永遠不能滿足。

Today , the 18 - month - old toddler 6 is like any other little boy of his age - full of 7 mischief and fun , with an insatiable desire to run around whenever he can 今天,這個18個月大的孩子與任何其他同齡的小男孩一樣,淘氣、貪玩,只要可能就忍不住想到處跑。

The cox report also says that china ' s “ appetite for information and technology appears to be insatiable , and the energy devoted to the task enormous “ 《考克斯報告》還稱,中國“對于信息和技術的欲望似乎是貪得無厭的,而且從事這項工作干勁十足” 。

The scot says the key to surviving in football for so long , aside from an insatiable love of the game , is voracious hunger to learn 蘇格蘭人說他一直能在競爭激烈的足球圈里立于不敗之地的要點除了對足球的熱愛之外就是保持對學習的高熱情。

Rooney ' s insatiable hunger for football has left a lasting impression on the united boss , who describes the forward ' s appetite for training as “ unbelievable “ 魯尼對踢球的渴望使爵爺印象深刻,爵爺把魯尼對訓練的喜愛表述為“不可思議” 。

If you are the parent or grandparent of a child between the ages of birth and six , you already know that children have an insatiable desire to learn 如果你是一個0到6歲孩子的父母或者曾父母,你會知道孩子具有多么旺盛的求知欲。

Reason , and not feeling , is my guide ; my ambition is unlimited : my desire to rise higher , to do more than others , insatiable 我的向導是理智而并非情感,我的雄心沒有止境,我要比別人爬得高干得多的欲望永不能滿足。

This year , they launched the hugely successful hong kong drum festival , drumming up insatiable interest in percussion music among the citizens 今年更成功舉辦了香港鼓樂節,令廣大市民對敲擊樂有更深的認識。

Digital tv sets can entertain the insatiable tv - viewer by providing multi - channel display on one screen simultaneously 數字電視可以通過在一個屏幕上同時提供多個通道的顯示來娛樂永不滿足的電視觀眾。

You engaged in prostitution with the assyrians too , because you were insatiable ; and even after that , you still were not satisfied 28你因貪色無厭、又與亞述人行淫、與他們行淫之后仍不滿意。

The appetite for more storage capacity with high speed access appears as insatiable as the demand has been for more computer power 客戶對大容量高速存儲器的渴望猶如其對高速計算機的渴望。

In chapter 1 , special characteristics and insatiable features of the banks are analyzed theoretically in financial systems 在第一章將就銀行在金融體系中的特殊性和不穩定性進行理論分析。

Spectre ' s thirst for destruction is insatiable , and the upcoming struggle seems to be just what she was waiting for 陰靈對于毀滅一切的渴望將永不停息并永遠等待著那即將來臨的戰斗。

Dracula : oh no , my dear . i have merely done what you humans wished for . fufilling your insatiable desires 德:噢,不,親愛的。我只是在做人類希望的事情,滿足你們無法滿足的欲望。

And if the declines start to basically set in while demand is almost insatiable , oil prices are going way higher 如果油田在需求無法滿足的時候進一步衰退,油價將會升得更高。

Can you give me a model for painting ? do not blame my be insatiable , it is to do not have method really ! thank 您能給我一個范本嗎?不要怪我得寸進尺,實在是沒有辦法!謝謝!