
innate adj.生來的,天生的,先天的,遺傳的,固有的。 sb....


The introduction of recursion method innate character and its applied realms 論遞歸方法的本質及其應用的領域

Profoundly realize the innate character of the scientific development outlook 深刻領會科學發展觀的本質特征

The innate materials of ethics 倫理學中的先天質料上

And chic , you have an innate sensuality quite uncommon in a man 齊克呢,男人中你具有與眾不同的天生的淫蕩

And chic , you have an innate sensuality quite uncommon in a man , 齊克呢,男人中你具有與眾不同的天生的淫蕩

We have this innate set points 我們很多性子都是天生的

1 her innate kindness made everyone around her like her 她與生俱來的親切感讓她身邊的每個人都很喜歡她。

Confidence is not an innate endowment but a constant cultivation 沒有天生的信心,只有不斷培養的信心。

A conclusion that an act is wrong may be simply innate 對一種行為認為是錯誤的,這種判斷可能來自先天。

Make use of your innate defense system 善用自己的防御系統

Innate logic and theoretic conclusions of gadamer ' s hermeneutics 伽達默爾詮釋學的內在邏輯及其理論歸結

His innate good - nature , however , dictated a favourable reply 但是他天生的好心腸使他一口答應了下來。

Whirlwind , mortal strike , and bloodthirst have no innate hate 旋風斬,致死一擊和嗜血沒有先天仇恨。

Enlightenment awakens our innate healing power 開悟喚醒自愈力

And phil ' s innate wisdom of what people want and need . . 菲爾與生俱來所擁有的那種人人渴求的才智

You could help me to convince people of their innate beauty 你可以幫助我使人相信他們天生美麗。

And phil ' s innate wisdom of what people want and need 菲爾與生俱來所擁有的那種人人渴求的才智

We instinctively prize innate leadership 我們直覺地認為領導力是天生的。

Some thoughts about innate characters of modern logistics 對現代物流本質屬性的幾點思考