
inkle n.〔罕用語〕1.亞麻帶子。2.編亞麻帶子用的線或紗。


The abnormalities of harelip , breastmole , supernumerary digits , negro s inkle , strawberry mark and portwine stain were alleged by one as a primafacie and natural hypothetical explanation of swineheaded the case of madame grissel steevens was not forgotten or doghaired infants occasionally born 有人斷言,兔唇胸痣冗指黑痣赤痣紫痣等畸形,均足以對時而誕生之豬頭兒人們并沒有淡忘格莉塞爾斯蒂文斯夫人210的例子或狗毛嬰兒做出確鑿211而自然之說明。

“ longxing btang “ electric garment front knitting machines ( inkle loom ) are suitable for knitting the front of knitting garments ( jerkins ) . it can also knit the scarves and knitting belts made of wool , rabbit hair , synthetic fiber etc “龍星牌”電動門襟機(織帶機) ,適用于編織針織服裝(開衫)的門襟,也可以用于編織羊毛,兔毛,晴綸等絨線的圍巾及針織帶。