
injured adj.受傷的;受損害的;損傷感情的。 the inju...


“you shall be made sorry for that!“ he resumed, his injured tone still remaining . “我讓你后悔,”他又發了話說,說話的口氣里,依然帶著余恨未消的意味。

I showed him the telegram, which read simply: “gravely injured come at once sebastian. “ 我把電報拿給他看,電報寫得很簡單:“傷勢嚴重速來塞巴斯蒂安。”

“ slash “ indicates damaging or injuring somebody or something with long swinging cuts of a knife or sword . “slash”指揮動刀劍猛砍或猛劈某人或某物。

“ bash “ is informal and means breaking or injuring something or somebody by hitting hard “Bash”是口語用法,意為通過猛力地擊打破壞某物或撞傷某人。

“ hobble and limp “ describe the uneven movement of someone whose legs are injured . “hobble和limp”均指腿受傷時不平穩的步子。