
injure vt.1.損害,毀壞。2.傷害(感情、自尊心等)。短語和...


At the same time radioactivity injured the inner tissues of the skin and formed keloids on the surface of the skin . 輻射力同時破壞組織,在表皮上形成瘢痕。

“you shall be made sorry for that!“ he resumed, his injured tone still remaining . “我讓你后悔,”他又發了話說,說話的口氣里,依然帶著余恨未消的意味。

I showed him the telegram, which read simply: “gravely injured come at once sebastian. “ 我把電報拿給他看,電報寫得很簡單:“傷勢嚴重速來塞巴斯蒂安。”

“ slash “ indicates damaging or injuring somebody or something with long swinging cuts of a knife or sword . “slash”指揮動刀劍猛砍或猛劈某人或某物。

“ bash “ is informal and means breaking or injuring something or somebody by hitting hard “Bash”是口語用法,意為通過猛力地擊打破壞某物或撞傷某人。

More than one, in digging underneath the wheel, was dangerously injured by the splinters of stone . 在輪底下挖掘時,曾經被碎石擊傷的不止一兩個人。

At any time the macrophage system might be injured by viral infection or air pollutant exposure . 巨噬細胞隨時都可能受病毒感染或空氣污染物所損傷。

Abscission of the tightly rolled, needlelike tips of the injured leaves quite often occurred . 受毒害葉片經常出現針狀的葉尖從蜷縮部分脫落下來。

Suspended sediment also injures the gills and breathing structure of certain types of fish . 懸沉積物還傷害某些魚類的的魚鰓和呼吸結構。

We must not say or do anything that will injure her until we know . 我們在沒有弄清楚以前,千萬不能亂說,也不能干出什么事情,叫她吃虧。

The act prohibits price discrimination that lessens competition or injures a competitor . 這個法禁止削弱競爭或損害競爭者的價格歧視。

Theatrical make-up and artificial blood had been used to make the injures look realistic . 演戲化妝用的油彩和人造血使傷處顯得逼真。

Most states had modified the common law rules in favor of the injured workers . 大多數州已對習慣法的規定作了有利于受傷工人的修改。

“ hobble and limp “ describe the uneven movement of someone whose legs are injured . “hobble和limp”均指腿受傷時不平穩的步子。

The most dramatic and urgent symptom in the acutely injured patient is asphyxia . 急性傷員的最令人驚恐和緊急的癥狀是室息。

Last year 43 youngsters were slain and some 250 seriously injured . 去年一年內就有四十三名青年被殺死,二百五十名受重傷。

You may expect to be treated according to the resentments of an injured nation ! 你們將受到一個受傷害的民族憤怒的懲罰!

None had even been killed or injured by the flow of slurry through a pipe . 沒有一個人會被管流的泥漿殺死或負傷。

Composition is money given to a person injured by the person responsible . 和解金指由責任人向受害人支付的金錢。