
inhumation n.埋葬,土葬。


As for the harmony in interests conflict with a third person in the ownership reservation trade the following cases often owner a sellers cession to a the seller cession to a third person ; a the buyers cession of its ownership or . expectation rights ; a third person violation of the object ; the requisition for prohibitory inhumation from the obliges of the parties ; e the in interest correspondence in all the parties when bank watch happens 所有權保留買賣中與第三人利益沖突的協調,主要是以下幾種情形:一是出賣人將標的物讓與第三人;二是買受人讓與標的物的所有權或讓與期待權;三是第三人侵害標的物;四是當事人的債權人申請強制執行標的物的問題;五是當事人破產的情形下,各方當事人的利益協調。