
inhumane adj.不近人情的,薄情的;殘忍的,無人道的。adv.-...


The concept of alternatives to animal experimentation is that the reduction is defined as a means of lowering the number of animal used in scientific research , replacement as the methods which permit a given purpose to be achieved without conducting experiments or other scientific procedures on animal , and refinement as any development leading to a decrease in the incidence or severity of inhumane procedures applied to those animals and / or enrich the living condition for animal , so as to alleviate the pain , suffering and distress , or enhance the animal well - being 動物實驗替代方法的概念與內涵是:減少( reduction )科學研究中的動物使用量;探索能夠達到相同目的或獲得相同結果的動物實驗替代( replacement )方法;采用一切可行的技術手段,使動物免受試驗所造成的痛苦、不安和疼痛或和改善生活環境,從而提高動物生存質量的優化( refinement )方法。 3rs是動物實驗替代方法(減少、替代和優化)的簡稱。

Point of the island , i was perfectly confounded and amaz d ; nor is it possible for me to express the horror of my mind , at seeing the shore spread with skulls , hands , feet , and other bones of humane bodies ; and particularly i observ d a place where there had been a fire made , and a circle dug in the earth , like a cockpit , where it is suppos d the savage wretches had sat down to their inhumane feastings upon the bodies of their fellow - creatures 再說我從山崗上下來,走到島的西南角,我馬上就嚇得驚惶失措,目瞪口呆了。只見海岸上滿地都是人的頭骨手骨腳骨,以及人體其他部分的骨頭,我心里的恐怖,簡直無法形容。我還看到有一個地方曾經生過火,地上挖了一個斗雞坑似的圓圈,那些野蠻人大概就圍坐在那里,舉行殘忍的宴會,吃食自己同類的肉體。

It has been reported that a number of animal protection organizations accuse the animal management centres including the hong kong animal management centre , formerly known as the victoria road government kennels under the agriculture , fisheries and conservation department “ afcd “ of being unhygienic , negligent and inhumane in treating animals , resulting in animals in the centres being vulnerable to injuries , illnesses and even death 據報,多個愛護動物團體指摘漁農自然護理署“漁護署“轄下的動物管理中心包括香港動物管理中心,前稱域多利道政府狗房的生環境惡劣,而且疏忽和不人道對待動物,令中心內的動物容易受傷患病甚至死亡。

I observ d also , that they were landed not where they had done , when friday made his escape ; but nearer to my creek , where the shore was low , and where a thick wood came close almost down to the sea : this , with the abhorrence of the inhumane errand these wretches came about , fill d me with such indignation , that i came down again to friday , and told him , i was resolv d to go down to them , and kill them all ; and ask d him , if he would stand by me 在前進過程中,我過去的一些想法又回到了我的心頭,我的決心動搖了。這倒不是我怕他們人多,因為他們都是赤身露體,沒有武器,我對他們可以占絕對優勢,這是毫無疑問的,哪怕我一個人也不成問題。可是,我想到的是,我究竟有什么使命,什么理由,什么必要去殺人流血,要去襲擊這些人呢?

Its delicate narrative style reveals the beautiful , pure and god - like heart of the lead character . in order to encourage his wife and son to live on with love , he retains a positive attitude toward life even in the terrible and inhumane surroundings of the camp . with love and sacrifice , he protects his son from the harmful effects of the cruel reality around him , thus maintaining the boy s childlike purity in the hellish camp environment 這部影片拍攝手法非常細膩,讓我們清楚地看到男主角的心地是如此美麗皎潔,真正如上帝一樣為了讓他的妻子兒子帶著愛活下去,即使在慘無人道的集中營里,他依然持續保持一顆肯定的心,盡全力犧牲奉獻自己,保護他的兒子不受外在殘酷現實的污染,仍能在集中營的煉獄般生活里,保有赤子應有的純真。

Urban design was seldom given due attention in city planning . as a result , our urban areas are full of bizarre and obtrusive scenes ; harsh , inhumane environments ; frustrating and even painful to the users of public facilities . our urban space is confusing , monotonous and uninteresting 過往香港在城市規劃方面只重量,而忽略了城市環境的質素,對城市設計尤其不重視,因此很多地方都有景觀不調和、視覺污染、城市空間雜亂的情況,總括原因如下:

Like nike ' s inhumane working conditions , the accidents in the mines give evidence that employer ' s obsessed with profits often overlook , or completely trample over , the most valuable asset to the business process ? the human being 與耐克公司不人道的工作環境類似,這些礦井塌方事件表明商業活動中最有價值的資產? ? “人”的尊嚴對于那些只注重利潤的人來說是微不足道的,甚至可能遭受他們的踐踏。

In geneva the international labor organization named june 12 the world day against child labor in 2002 to draw attention to the millions of children who work in often inhumane or dangerous conditions to survive 2002年,國際勞工組織在日內瓦將每年的6月12日定為“世界反對童工日” ,以引起世人對數百萬在惡劣環境中出賣勞動力的孩子的關注。

This unit is composed of social outcasts and criminals under death sentences and their mission is to behead kim il - sung . they survive the most hellish inhumane training in silmido and are reborn as human armories 經過三年的艱苦訓練后,隊員由一盤散沙變成同心為國的死士,部隊每一個成員都認為他們將會刺殺北韓元首,為國出力。

There is a light . he sees just a spark , a glimmer , and his eyes are open to the potential of breaking out of the incredible inhumane place he has found himself , and becoming an airline pilot 那里有光,他看到只是點點星火的微弱光線,但他的眼睛已經張開,看到自己從不人道的地方突破出來,成為一位飛機師

One example is the case of the american shoemaker nike , which received criticism because of its inhumane working conditions in developing countries , including indonesia and china 以美國鞋商耐克公司為例,因為它在中國和印度尼西亞等發展中國家的工廠里的惡劣工作環境,而備受指責。

Peta expects more than 1 , 000 participants in amplona this year for the “ running of the nudes “ their response to the inhumane and cruel treatment of bulls Peta預期今年裸奔節可望有上千名為了他們對公牛不人道及殘忍對待的回應的參與者。

It s unpleasant to think about , but before we slaughter them , the animals we eat are often raised and transported under inhumane conditions 我們所吃的動物在宰殺以前,通常是在不人道的情況下飼養及運送。想到這些就令人覺得很不舒服。

President bush has issued an executive order for prohibiting cruel and inhumane treatment of terror suspects 布什總統頒布了一項行政令(通常譯作總統令) ,禁止對恐怖主義嫌疑人嚴刑拷打,施用酷刑。

Business ethics argues that inhumane working conditions seriously violate the dignity of human beings 經濟倫理必須提出強有力的證據證明不人道的工作環境嚴重侵犯了人的尊嚴。

The young karl marx , prophetically discerned the inhumane alternation involved in modern industry 年輕的卡爾?馬克思,有預見地覺察到了現代工業所引起的非人道的變換。

Nowadays , it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors 如今,對違抗命令的士兵或水手施以笞刑是一種不人道的懲罰。

Nowadays , it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors 現今,鞭撻不服從的兵士或水手是不人道的懲罰。

Merciless and inhumane 冷酷,無情