
infuriate vt.激怒,使發怒。 Be infuriated at ...


His visits infuriated china and south korea , where memories of japan ' s harsh occupation are still vivid for many 小泉純一郎參拜靖國神社激怒了中國和韓國。中韓兩國很多人都對日本的殘暴占領記憶猶新。

Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the christmas tree 家里本來就經濟拮據,所以當父親發現女兒在用這些紙裝飾放在圣誕樹下的禮物盒時惱怒不已。

Infuriated by this insult , chen returns the sign to the japanese , and proceeds to beat the entire karate school into submission 弟子陳真李小飾不忿受辱,只身大鬧道場,日人乘機向華施壓。

Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the christmas tree 家里很缺錢,當孩子想要用包裝紙裝飾一個掛在圣誕樹上的盒子時,爸爸生氣了。

For this ointment could have been sold for over three hundred denarii and given to the poor . and they were infuriated with her 5這香膏可以賣三百多銀幣,分給窮人。他們就向她怒氣沖沖。

But they infuriated the priest as they started to kiss and embrace while he was chanting vedic hymns 這對新人在主持婚禮的印度教祭司唱吠陀贊美詩時開始接吻和擁抱,這令祭司非常不滿。

One of the most infuriating aspects of spam is that it changes continually to adapt to new attempts to stop it 垃圾郵件最折磨人的地方,在于它會不斷變化,以適應各種新的攔阻方法。

They tried to deter the corinthians , but were drawn into a sea battle , which infuriated the corinthians 他們試圖阻止科林斯人,卻被拖入了一場海戰,這使科林斯人勃然大怒。

She was infuriated by his presumption in making the travel arrangements without first consulting her 他事先沒有和她商量便作好旅行安排,她對他自作主張很生氣。

The expression of that base and cringing smile , that he knew so well in his wife , infuriated pierre 他從妻子臉上見過的這種畏葸而可鄙的微笑,觸怒了皮埃爾。

His comments infuriated the premiership champions , who immediately denied that robben was for sale 他的言行激怒了英超冠軍切爾西,藍軍表示,羅本是非賣品。

“ don ' t look so simple - minded ! “ cried scarlett , infuriated at her silly expression . “不要顯得那么頭腦簡單! ”思嘉莉特以為她裝腔,怒不可遏了。

The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen 年幼天使非常惱怒問年長的點解讓呢個情形發生?

The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could yu have let this happen 年輕的天使非常憤怒,他問老天使為什么會這樣?

Huh , see back in the days before niggas like me there was niggas like you infuriating my crew 當你想我的時候有一顆我的心陪著你輕輕的呼吸

It is research that is guaranteed to delight men - and infuriate the women in their lives 這項研究結果一定會讓男人高興,惹女人生氣。

His carbine cracked when the infuriated elephant bore down on the hunters 被激怒的象向獵人們沖過去時,他的沖鋒槍打響了。

His carbine cracked when the infuriated elephant bore down on the hunters 被激怒的象向獵人們沖過去時,他的沖鋒槍打響了。

Now it ' s infuriating me 但現在你讓我很生氣