
infrequent adj.稀罕的,少見的;偶然的。 not infrequ...


Japan , which lies at the intersection of several tectonic plates , is regularly rattled by tremors of varying strength , with volcanic eruptions not infrequent 日本位于幾個地質板塊的交界處,經常受到不同等級的地震的侵襲,偶然也會有火山爆發。

Screening had no significant effect on oerall mortality , which is to be expected gien that aortic aneurysm is relatiely infrequent as a cause of death 掃描篩查對整體死亡的必然率沒有明顯的影響意義,而被認為是動脈瘤死亡的罕見的一個原因。

Cosmic expansion had diluted the density of the gas to the point where collisions were too infrequent to equalize the spin and kinetic temperatures 宇宙膨脹至此,已將氣體稀釋到一定的程度,使得原子碰撞不再頻繁地讓自旋與動力溫度相等。

Place for permanent or long - term storage of data , from which retrieval is infrequent . a computer archive , for instance , may be on magnetic tape 用于永久或長期存儲不常檢索的數據的地點(介質) 。例如,計算機的檔案文件可放在磁帶上。

While some larger guilds of players have staged bigger battles , player - versus - player combat is otherwise very infrequent in lineage ii 雖然有些大型血盟偶爾會有些大型盟戰,不過除此之外的玩家對玩家戰斗在天堂二里并不常發生。

With infrequent visits , comet kiess can ' t build up a broad dust band , and only generates a narrow trail of debris each time 由于琪斯彗星很少光臨,它無法形成一條寬闊的塵埃帶,而每次只能產生一條狹窄的由碎片組成的彗尾。

“ the precursor strategy will not work because earthquakes are too complicated and too infrequent ” and “ lack of rigour in earth sciences ” “前兆戰略無法工作,因為地震太復雜和太罕見”以及“地球科學缺乏嚴格性” 。

Anthrax is infrequent in most industrialized countries . it is most common in agricultural regions where anthrax in animals is common 炭疽病并不流行于大多數工業化國家,反而最多見于常有動物患上炭疽病的農業地區。

A large volume of changes occurs over a short period of time . snapshot replication is most appropriate when data changes are substantial but infrequent 在數據更改量很大,但很少發生更改時,快照復制是最合適的。

Pulmonary nocardiosis ( pn ) is an infrequent but severe infection that is found most commonly in immunocompromised patients 摘要肺部土壤絲菌癥并不常見但會造成嚴重感染,最常在免疫失調病人身上被發現。

There are various ways to throw out words from the model the easiest is just to discard the sufficiently infrequent ones 從模型中丟棄單詞有多種方式(最簡單的方式是只丟棄出現頻率非常稀少的單詞) 。

With slower analog signals and capture infrequent events . the dilemma of having to trigger twice to get a long time 常現象,建立高速數字控制信號與較低速模擬信號間的相關關系,以及捕獲間歇出現的事件

Titles in this category may contain violence , suggestive themes , crude humor , minimal blood and / or infrequent use of strong language 本類游戲內容中可能包含:暴力、教唆、輕度血腥和/或不良語言。

Below , you need to split the database into dynamic and static partitions for frequent and infrequent updates , respectively 所示,您需要分別按頻繁更新和很少更新將數據庫分成動態部分和靜態部分。

For a west - facing apartment , it tends to be less breezy because westerly winds are normally light and relatively infrequent 相反,因較少吹西風且風力較弱,故此向西樓少有清風送爽的感覺。

Although pneumonia is not infrequent in third world countries . this outbreak in turkey is highly uncommon 雖然肺炎在第三世界國家中并不罕見,但象土耳其這樣的突然爆發卻也是極不平常的。

With surgical patients a not infrequent problem in the postoperatie period is restlessness , hypertension , and tachycardia 手術患者在術后出現躁動,高血壓和心動過速的情況并不少見。

Facial nerve hemangioma , weigh fungous hemangioma again , for infrequent and the benign tumor that diagnoses hard 面神經血管瘤,又稱海綿狀血管瘤,為罕見且難以診斷的良性腫瘤。

Q : you have successfully maintained your market value despite your infrequent podium appearances of late 問:盡管你近來很少在領獎臺上露臉,但卻成功地維護著自己的市場價值。