
infraspecific adj.同物種的〔如亞種〕。


As well as about 50 species and infraspecific taxa were named after his name . prof . zhong was the first botanist to collect plant specimens in a modern plant taxonomical way , and established the first herbarium herbarium of peking university and modern botanic garden jianqiao garden in china 鐘先生既是我國用近代植物分類學方法研究和采集植物的第一人,也是我國第一個植物標本室北京大學植物標本室和第一個近代植物園筧橋植物園的創建者,在我國近代植物學發展史上寫下了重要的一頁。

Here grow various woody plants , summing into 907 species ( including infraspecific taxon ) belonging to 281 genera and 103 families 其中中國植物特有屬20屬,白龍江土著特有種25個。