
informer n.1.通知者,通報者。2.告密的人,密探。短語和例子a...


The council has succeeded in turning up a handful of informers among public figures , but most were minor players who , some say , lacked the clout to keep their files hidden or were victims of political sabotage 議會成功地披露了一些公眾人物中的線人,但有人說他們大多數只是走卒,無關大礙,或是被政治壓力脅迫的。

Registered informer who provides reliable information leading to successful seizure of endangered species or conviction will be rewarded with cash . please call our intelligence unit for registration 本署已設立酬賞制度,已登記線人若向本署提供可靠線報,達致違例者被定罪或成功檢獲瀕危物種,即可獲現金酬賞。

Correspondingly , the problems of focusing on surface matters only informer pm is soluted . not a separated or special phenomenon , pm problems in lian company are general and representative 利安公司的績效管理問題并非個別的、特殊的現象,它具有一定的普遍性、代表性。

Curry and pepper were two famous cids dealing with the criminal cases . one day , their informer ten gave them information to arrest a military weapons 一次,二人因追查軍火案時誤捕了政治部線人,而被革職,但最后仍不顧一切,追上賊船,跟軍火集團決一生死

Registered informers who provide reliable information that leads to the successful seizure of endangered species or to a conviction will be rewarded with cash 若已登記的線人提供可靠線報,致使違例者被定罪或成功檢獲瀕危物種,可獲現金酬賞。

The three get along better and better with police informer da da . they crack a few cases but their tendency to be violent makes superintendent cheng very uneasy 京生遇舊友老虎,又愛上其妹學軍則愛上舞女戴安娜,不惜娜用公款討芳心。

The method greatly reduces centralized control , enhancing informer cooperation among individual store , distribution center , and suppliers 這一方法大大減少了集權控制,加強了各商店、配貨中心與供應商之間頻繁的非正式合作。

Then the king took a very large troop of soldiers and the informer , and set out for the forest where the golden deer dwelled 于是國王帶了一大群人馬,在這位通報者的帶路下,浩浩蕩蕩地向著金鹿居住的樹林出發了。

The defendant also told chak that he would register chak as a police informer and arrange for police actions against the purported arrestees 被告又指他會把翟登記為警方的線人及安排有關假掃毒行動。

The bureau also assures confidentiality of the identities of informers and will provide adequate security in high - risk tip offs 局方會將舉報人士的身分保密,并為安全受到威脅的舉報人士提供適當保護。

Wai also told chak that he would register chak as a police informer and arrange for police action against the purported arrestees 被告又指他會把翟登記為警方的線人及安排有關假掃毒行動。

Most paparazzi have a network of informer s who tell them when a celebrity will be at a certain place 狗仔隊大多有一個線民網絡,這些人會向這些攝影師密報某位名人何時會出現在某個地方。

Second , to set up the system of informer by using the experience of drug prohibiting abroad 論述了情報工作在毒品案件偵查中的特殊作用。毒品情報的收集渠道、處理過程。

The party newspaper took the party and people ' s informer mouthpiece , which is led by the party committee 黨報作為黨和人民的耳目喉舌,受黨委領導,是黨的言論宣傳陣地。

Discovering the inform of marx philosophy thinking mode and the thinking mode of the informer 發現馬克思哲學思維方式的變革與變革研究者的思維方式

According to the informer , a group of drugs will be smuggled in through the border tonight 據線人報告,今晚他們將有一批毒品走私進關。

Strategy informer : could you also tell us about the mutli - player aspect of the game 也能告訴我們一些關于多人游戲的信息嗎?

Reward scheme for informers 線人的酬賞制度

Who is the last informer 誰是最后一個告密者