
information n.1.通知,通報,報告。2.報導,消息,情報。3.資料...

information bureau

I 'm giving you this information for the record . 我向你提供這個情報,以供記錄在案。

I'm useless at any information outside my own job . 除了我的工作,別的事我一竅不通。

The centre module displays traffic guidance information . 中央模塊顯示交通引導信息。

It was introduced as a means of obtaining information . 它被用作一種獲得案情的方法。

He was averse to revealing the sources of his information . 他不樂意透露消息的來源。

Colonel brandon must have some information to give . 布蘭登上校一定能帶來一些消息。

He loved to present such pieces of information with a casual air . 他喜歡信口開河。

It is difficult to assimilate a lot of information . 難于在較短時間內攝取許多信息。

That information is new to me . 那消息我還是初次聽到。

See under for further information . 更詳盡資料見下文。

Let 's pool our information and size up the situation . 大家湊一湊情況,決定地點。

Free access to secret information should be avoided . 機密資料的隨意接觸應該避免。

We also have a marine information research division . 我們還有一個海洋情報研究室。

See under for further information . 更詳盡材料見下文。

Informations were used also in criminal procedure . 控告起訴書也用于刑事訴訟中。

Managers seem to cherish “soft“ information . 管理者們似乎對“軟”信息懷有好感。

I have this information on the highest authority . 我有最高當局的這一方面資料。

He believed it on unreasonable information . 他憑著不可靠的消息就聽信了這件事。

This guide to the museum is sparing of information . 這本博物館指南內容不豐富。