
influential adj.1.有影響的。2.有勢力的,有權力的。短語和例子...


The influential factors on quality of life in children 家庭寄養和孤殘兒童的社會適應能力發展

My education has been influential in forming my character 我接受的教育影響了我人格的形成。

Influential friends will support you in all that you desire 頗具影響力的朋友會支持你到底。

The most influential person in my life 在我的生命中最有影響力的人

Research on the influential fators of input in agro - mechanization 農機化投入影響因素的研究

Who will be the most influential player for the team this year 本賽季最重要的球員會是誰?

The study on the influential factors of parental rearing styles 父母教養方式影響因素的研究

Influential factors on pile testing with reflection wave 反射法檢測樁基質量的幾個影響因素

The daily news is a very influential newspaper 《每日新聞報》是一份非常有影響力的報紙。

Influential factor of premature rupture of membranes 胎膜早破的影響因素

Each role he plays has been extremely influential 無論哪個崗位,他的影響力都舉足輕重。

The most influential person in my life . . . 在我的生命中最有影響力的人. .

Our newspaper is an influential newspaper in this city 我們的報紙在本市有很大影響力。

Is not ; is an influential member of tacit collaboration 也不是是戰隊成員默契的協作?

He was influential in getting the hostages set free 他對人質的獲釋起到了一定的作用。

Analysis on the influential factors of 神經癥患者主客觀生活事件的影響因素

Sense of coherence and its influential factors 心理一致感及其影響因素研究

Influential factors of brand advertisement positioning 影響品牌廣告定位的幾個基本因素

Influential factors on mental health of teachers 教師心理健康影響因素探微