
influence n.1.影響,感化 (on; upon)。2.勢力,權勢...


Environment has a major influence on our perception of secondary needs . 環境對我們的第二需要的感受影響很大。

A motivator, is something that influences an individual's behavior . 激勵因子是一些可以影響個人行為的事物。

Change of climate must have had a powerful influence on migration . 氣候的變化對于遷移必曾有過極大的影響。

The declaraction will influence the relations between the two countries . 這項聲明對兩國的關系將產生影響。

She has great influence with the manager and could no doubt help you . 她對經理很有影響力,無疑能幫你忙。

Plant cover has been observed to influence pesticide persistence . 人們觀察到植物覆蓋對農藥持久性有影響。

Young man was influenced by bad people and became corrupt without being aware of it . 開始墮落而不自覺。

In war no less than peace, food was an important influence . 在戰時,糧食的影響重大,不亞于和平的時候。

It exercised a powerful influence upon the sensibility of the age . 這對當時讀者的感官自有很大的影響。

Soil ph and other environmental influences affect blank shank . 土壤pH值和其它環境變化也影響黑脛病。

They represent important influences on the utilization of the feed . 它們對飼料的利用率有重大影響。

The strong emotion was rarely suffered to influence her tongue . 她難得讓強烈的感情影響到她的言語。

His paintings had a strong influence on me as a student . 他的畫兒對我這個學生產生了很大的影響。

Psychological factors may influence physical thermoregulation . 心理因素可以影響身體的溫度調節。

He objected when religion attempted to influence his life . 當宗教干預到他的生活時,他就反對它。

However, there is always a cheering influence about the sea . 話說回來,海上倒始終有種安神妙用。

This versatility comes from a dual weather influence . 這種多樣性是由于雙重的氣候影響而形成的。

We are unable to influence events in the way we want . 我們無法按照我們的意愿來左右事態的進展。

His parents no longer have any real influence over him . 他的父母對他不再有任何真正的約束力了。