
inflict vt.1.加以(打擊等);使受(痛苦、損失等)。2.處以...


The punishment inflicted on them was too mild 他們受的懲罰太輕。

Stress from this kind of jealousy is self - inflicted 來自這種嫉妒而產生的壓力是一種自我懲罰。

1 torpedo can inflict a maximum of 2500 points of damage 一個魚類可以造成最大2500的損傷值。

Imposing protection is to inflict losses upon themselves 保護主義的做法將會給自己帶來損失。

One ought not to inflict one ' s problems on other people 我們不應該把自己的問題強加于別人。

And all the senseless pain that we have inflicted on each other 我們都曾帶給彼此巨大的傷痛

Why do we inflict this on ourselves 為什么總是我們自己造成這種局面?

Your bliss lies , like his , in inflicting misery 你的快樂,和魔鬼一樣,就在于讓人受苦。

The damage was inflicted upon them in transit 其損失發生在運輸過程中。

And deliberately inflicting conditions of life 故意造成對生活地位的影響

You see these cuts ? i think they ' re self - inflicted 看見這些傷口嗎?我想是他自己弄的

Inflicted upon our own sons and daughters 施加在我們自己的兒女身上的暴行

The punishments inflicted on the children were too severe 對這些孩子的處罰過於嚴厲

Inflicting their petty rule over the entire globe 把他們自以為是的管制強加給全世界

We should inflict severe chastisement on criminals 我們應該對罪犯施加嚴厲的懲罰。

Wherever he turned , he inflicted punishment on them 他無論往何處去,都打敗仇敵。

An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain 刑具造成這種痛苦的工具或手段

Our experience here in dixie with such depraved types of people has shown that only the death penalty, inflicted in a public and dramatic manner, has any influence upon their peculiar mentality . 我們這兒南方對付這班道德敗壞的人的經驗證明,只有死刑--而且要在大庭廣眾之間用戲劇性方式執行--才能對他們反常的心理產生影響。

We can no doubt inflict grievous injuries upon one another and maul each other cruelly, and darken the mediterranean with our strife . 我們兩國之間的不和,無疑將使我們互相殘殺,兩敗俱傷,并使地中海上密布烏云。