
infest vt.1.(指老鼠、害蟲,盜賊等)大批出沒,成群出現。2...


Such groups are often hired as mercenaries by wealthy folk who travel in illithid - infested areas 這類小隊常被富有的旅行者雇傭為保鏢以護送自己通過靈吸怪出沒的地區。

Early in the morning , xiangyanghua open infested scent , some bud , some in full bloom and vitality 清晨的早上,向陽花開放,清香撲鼻,有的含苞,有的怒放,生機勃勃。

Oslash ; they set gigantic drone robots loose over the planet and then infest it with organic monsters 五面怪安插巨型機器人于塞伯坦星上,以作騷擾。

Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon 我們這一行有群自命不凡的白癡,愛使用專業術語以吸引大眾目光。

They set gigantic drone robots loose over the planet and then infest it with organic monsters 五面怪安插巨型機器人于塞伯坦星上,以作騷擾。

Avoid rat - infested places , which usually are dirty and full of food debris 遠離老鼠出沒的地方;這些地方通常是骯臟和滿布著食物渣滓的。

Investigation on cleaning - up technology of oil spills in ice - infested waters and the countermeasures 有冰海區溢油清理技術及對策研究

If any plants are infested , they can be dipped in a 0 . 2 % nicotine solution 倘若某些植物受侵擾,可將它們侵入0 2尼古丁溶液中。

Injun joe infested all his dreams , and always with doom in his eye 印江?喬闖進他所有的夢里,而且眼睛里老是閃著一股要殺人的兇氣。

I need to get a new email account . this one is infested with junk mail 我需要申請一個新的電子信箱。目前這個已被垃圾信件淹沒了。

Advances in the studies on infesting and controlling chironomids in municipal water system 城市供水系統搖蚊污染發生與防治研究

Termites even infest inside concrete , weakening the construction and caused structures fallen 白蟻甚至侵食石柱及使木天花墜落

Billy : but you will be . you just drank from my germ - infested glass 比利:但你很快就有了。你剛剛喝了我那充滿病菌的杯子。

Yeah , monster - infested 對,怪獸盤踞的

Yeah , monster - infested . . 對,怪獸盤踞的

If the code isn t test infested , things become more difficult 如果這段代碼沒有經過布滿測試,情況就變得更加困難了。

They call these frigid , shark - infested waters their playground 他們把這片寒冷而且有鯊魚出沒的水域稱作他們的運動場

Then drove while intoxicated to pick up this disease - infested prostitute 在酒后駕車的路途中釣上一個染病的妓女

Maybe not , but at ieast i ' m not holding the germ - infested towel 大概吧,至少我沒有拿著沾滿了細菌的抹布