
infective adj.1.傳染性的,易傳染的。2.影響別人的,感染別人...


When a person with infective pulmonary tuberculosis coughs or sneezes , the bacteria gets into the air and causes disease if a susceptible person inhales it 肺結核病人咳嗽或打噴嚏時會將細菌散播到空氣中,抵抗力稍差的人吸入后便會染病。

Objective : to discuss early diagnostic methods and treatment measures of staphylococus aureus septicemia ( sas ) with infective endocarditis 摘要目的:探討金黃色葡萄球菌(簡稱金葡)敗血癥并發急性心內膜炎的早期診斷方法及治療措施。

They break down toxins , manufacture some vitamins and essential amino acids , educate the immune system and form a barrier against infective invaders 他們解毒、制造一些維生素和必需氨基酸、激活免疫系統筑起一道防止感染入侵的防線。

Conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases and it is usually infective in nature , either by virus or bacteria 急性結膜炎是一種常見的眼病,而結膜炎有幾種形式,最常見的是傳染性急性結膜炎,俗稱紅眼癥,可由各種不同的細

Dengue viruses are transmitted to humans through the bites of infective female aedes mosquitoes . the disease is not directly transmitted from person to person 病毒常透過帶有過濾性病毒的雌白紋伊蚊傳播,但并不會由人直接傳染人。

A three - kilometers exclusiveso be ( exclusion zone has been ) established around infective ( the affected farm ) as well as a ten - kilometer severe ? ( surveillance area ) 受災農場周圍3公里被確定為特別區,同時其周圍十公里為調查區。

Acute aortic occlusion from and embolism in infective endocarditis is a rare , catastrophic vascular emergency with a grave prognosis 摘要因感染性內膜炎的塞造成急性主動脈阻塞很少見,但卻是一種重大的血管病急癥,預后通常很差。

Three - kilometers exclusiveso be ( exclusion zone has been ) established around infective ( the affected farm ) as well as a ten - kilometer severe ? ( surveillance area ) 受災農場周圍3公里被確定為特別區,同時其周圍十公里為調查區。

They may also represent emboli from an infective endocarditis in which small portions of a vegetation have embolized out the coronary arteries 他們也可能表現為冠脈外的栓塞,引起栓塞的栓子來自感染性心內膜炎的贅生物。

Patients with infective endocarditis have been reported to present with either ruptured sinus of valsalva or complete atrioventricular block 曾有文獻報告過細菌性心內膜炎患者并發主動脈竇破裂或是完全房室傳導阻滯。

Such small defects do not produce significant left - to - right shunting , but they do increase the risk for infective endocarditis 雖然這種小缺損不足以導致從左到右的分流,但增大了感染性心內膜炎的危險性。

There are at least 6 viruses that can cause infective hepatitis . they are the hepatitis a , b , c , d , e , and g viruses 現今已鑒別出最少有六種不同的肝炎病毒,分別為甲、乙、丙、丁、戊和庚型。

Protective clothing - performance requirements and test methods for protective clothing against infective agents ; german version en 14126 : 2003 防護服.防傳染制劑的防護服的性能要求和試驗方法

Hematogenous spread of infection to lungs could occur from septicemia or from infective endocarditis involving the right side of the heart 血液播散性肺炎可由敗血癥或感染性心內膜炎引起。

Here , infective endocarditis on the mitral valve has spread into the septum all the way to the tricuspid valve , producing a fistula 二尖瓣的感染性心內膜炎已蔓延到三尖瓣的隔膜、并穿孔。

There are three kinds of treatment drugs : the anti - hiv ones , immunoregulation ones and anti - infective ones 治療藥物可分為三大類:抗hiv病毒藥物,免疫調節劑和抗感染藥物。

In this case , the infective endocarditis demonstrates how the infection tends to spread from the valve surface 感染性心內膜炎顯示了源自瓣膜表面的感染的傳播途徑。

Study on the feasibility of indirect immunofluorescent antibody technique in detecting rabies infective titer 間接免疫熒光技術檢測狂犬病毒感染性滴度的可行性研究

The small pear - shaped trophozoites live in the duodenum and become infective cysts that are excreted 小的梨形滋養體在十二指腸內,變成有感染性的包囊后釋放出來。