infamy n.1.臭名昭著,聲名狼藉。2.出丑,丑行。3.【法律】...
n. 1.臭名昭著,聲名狼藉。 2.出丑,丑行。 3.【法律】(因犯重罪而)喪失公權。 短語和例子hold sb. up to infamy使某人出丑。 “day of infamy“ 中文翻譯: 國恥日“a bad reputation; infamy“ 中文翻譯: 惡名“earn oneself eternal infamy“ 中文翻譯: 留下千古罵名; 千古唾罵“hold sb up to infamy“ 中文翻譯: 使某人出丑“infamy man and their handsome wives“ 中文翻譯: 丑漢和他的俊媳婦“infamous separatist“ 中文翻譯: 臭名昭著的分裂主義者“infan warmer“ 中文翻譯: 嬰兒保暖箱“infamous crime“ 中文翻譯: 丑陋無恥罪, 丑行罪“infancy“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.嬰兒期,幼時,幼年時代。 2.【法律】未成年。 3.初期,搖籃時代,幼年期。 in one's [its] infancy 在搖籃時代。 “infamous conduct“ 中文翻譯: 行為不正“infancy failure“ 中文翻譯: 早期故障“infamous (film)“ 中文翻譯: 聲名狼藉“infancy hypertrophic pyloric stenosis“ 中文翻譯: 嬰兒肥厚性幽門狹窄“infamous“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.名譽極臭的,聲名狼藉的。 2.傷風敗俗的,無恥的,不名譽的。 3.【法律】(因犯重罪)被褫奪公權的;〔美國〕被剝奪法律上作證權的。 4.很差的,低劣的。 an infamous swindler 臭名昭著的騙子。 Infamous behaviour 丑行。 An infamous crime 〔英國〕喪失廉恥罪;〔美國〕(罰作苦役以上的)重罪。 An infamous dinner 質量極壞的一頓飯。 adv. -ly
infancy |
A man has carried off your mistress , a man has seduced your wife , a man has dishonored your daughter ; he has rendered the whole life of one who had the right to expect from heaven that portion of happiness god his promised to every one of his creatures , an existence of misery and infamy ; and you think you are avenged because you send a ball through the head , or pass a sword through the breast , of that man who has planted madness in your brain , and despair in your heart 他使你的頭腦瘋狂,讓你的心里絕望,而你,只因為你已經把一顆子彈射進了人的腦袋,或用一把劍刺穿了他的胸膛,就自以為已經報了仇了,卻想不到,決斗之后,勝利者卻往往是他,因為在全世界人的眼里,他已是清白的了,在上帝眼里,已是抵罪了! |
None ; unless it avail him somewhat , that he was broken down by long and exquisite suffering ; that his mind was darkened and confused by the very remorse which harrowed it ; that , between fleeing as an avowed criminal , and remaining as a hypocrite , conscience might find it hard to strike the balance ; that it was human to avoid the peril of death and infamy , and the inscrutable machinations of an enemy ; that , finally , to this poor pilgrim , on his dreary and desert path , faint , sick , miserable , there appeared a glimpse of human affection and sympathy , a new life , and a true one , in exchange for the heavy doom which he was now expiating 沒有了除非可以勉強說什么:他被長期的劇烈痛苦壓垮了他的頭腦已經被自責折磨得陰暗和混亂了他要么承認是一名罪犯而逃走,要么繼續充當一名偽君子而留下,但他的良心已難以從中取得平衡為了避免死亡和恥辱的危險,以及一個敵人的莫測的詭計,出走原是合乎情理的最后,還可以說,這個可憐的朝圣者,在他凄涼的旅途中,倍感昏迷病痛和悲慘的折磨,卻瞥見一道充滿仁愛和同情的閃光,其中有嶄新和真實的生活,可以取代他目前正在贖罪的沉重的命運。 |
None ; unless it avail him somewhat , that he was broken down by long and exquisite suffering ; that his mind was darkened and confused by the very remorse which harrowed it ; that , between fleeing as an avowed criminal , and remaining as a hypocrite , conscience might find it hard to strike the balance ; that it was human to avoid the peril of death and infamy , and the inscrutable machinations of an enemy ; that , finally , to this poor pilgrim , on his dreary and desert path , faint , sick , miserable , there appeared a glimpse of human affection and sympathy , a new life , and a true one , in exchange for the heavy doom which he was now expiating 沒有了;除非可以勉強說什么:他被長期的劇烈痛苦壓垮了;他的頭腦已經被自責折磨得陰暗和混亂了;他要么承認是一名罪犯而逃走,要么繼續充當一名偽君子而留下,但他的良心已難以從中取得平衡;為了避免死亡和恥辱的危險,以及一個敵人的莫測的詭計,出走原是合乎情理的;最后,還可以說,這個可憐的朝圣者,在他凄涼的旅途中,倍感昏迷、病痛和悲慘的折磨,卻瞥見一道充滿仁愛和同情的閃光,其中有嶄新和真實的生活,可以取代他目前正在贖罪的沉重的命運。 |
The present unhappy state of the family , rendered any other excuse for the lowness of her spirits unnecessary ; nothing , therefore , could be fairly conjectured from that , though elizabeth , who was by this time tolerably well acquainted with her own feelings , was perfectly aware that , had she known nothing of darcy , she could have borne the dread of lydia s infamy somewhat better 她看到外甥女兒情緒消沉可是,家里既然出了這種不幸的事情,自然難免如此,不必把這種現象牽扯到別的原因上面去。因此她還是摸不著一點邊際。只有伊麗莎白自己明白自己的心思,她想,要是不認識達西,那么麗迪雅這件丟臉的事也許會叫她多少好受些,也許可以使她減少幾個失眠之夜。 |
The white children clamoured to sit on his knee and be trotted , while he denounced to their elders the infamy of yankee politicians ; the daughters of his friends took him into their confidence about their love affairs ; and the youths of the neighbourhood , fearful of confessing debts of honour upon the carpets of their fathers , found him a friend in need 白人孩子吵著坐上他的膝蓋,朋友們的女兒總是把他當作知己,講他們的戀愛的故事;鄰里的年青人都害怕承認賭債會挨父親的責罵卻發現也是他們患難與共的朋友。 |
Whatever infamy he thought of , he said to himself , well , let so and so rob the state and the tsar , while the state and the tsar heap honours on him ; but she smiled at me yesterday , and begged me to come , and i love her , and nobody will ever know it , he thought 無論展現在他面前的是人世間多么卑劣的事,他都對自己說: “就讓某人去盜竊國家和沙皇吧,而國家和沙皇賜給他榮譽可她昨天向我微笑,要我去。我愛她,任何人無論何時都不了解這一點。 ” |
Sometimes the red infamy upon her breast would give a sympathetic throb , as she passed near a venerable minister or magistrate , the model of piety and justice , to whom that age of antique reverence looked up , as to a mortal man in fellowship with angels 有時候,當她走過一位德高望重的長官或牧師身邊時,她胸前的紅色恥辱就會感應出一種悸動這些人可都是虔誠的楷模和正義的化身,在那個崇尚古風的年代,他們都是人間天使,令人肅然起敬的。 |
Perhaps there was a more real torture in her first unattended footsteps from the threshold of the prison , than even in the procession and spectacle that have been described , where she was made the common infamy , at which all mankind was summoned to point its finger 這是她第一次獨自步出牢門,比超前面所描寫的在眾目睽睽之下前呼后擁,走上千夫所指的示眾受辱臺,這才是一次真正的折磨。 |
Elizabeth , particularly , who knew that her mother owed to the latter the preservation of her favourite daughter from irremediable infamy , was hurt and distressed to a most painful degree by a distinction so ill applied 其實她母親對待這兩位貴客完全是輕重倒置,因為她心愛的一個女兒多虧了達西先生的搭救,才能免于身敗名裂,伊麗莎白對這事的經過知道得極其詳細,所以特別覺得難受。 |
“ i mean that the wife of the first magistrate in the capital shall not , by her infamy , soil an unblemished name ; that she shall not , with one blow , dishonor her husband and her child . “我的意思是:首都首席檢察官的妻子不會以她的恥辱去玷污一個清白無瑕的姓氏,她不會同時讓她的丈夫和她的孩子落到聲名狼藉的地步。 |
Be that as it may , she saw him go with regret ; and in this early example of what lydia s infamy must produce , found additional anguish as she reflected on that wretched business 這且不提,卻說她看見達西走了,真是十分惆悵麗迪雅這次的丑行,一開頭就造成了這樣不良的后果,再想起這件糟糕的事,她心里更加痛苦。 |
Few have passed through this revolutionary period , in the midst of which we were born , without some stain of infamy or blood to soil the uniform of the soldier , or the gown of the magistrate 我們是在戰爭時期中長大的,而凡是經過這次戰爭,很少能不在他軍人的制服或法官的長袍上沾染到一些不名譽的污跡或血。 |
“ hester , “ said he , “ i ask not wherefore , nor how , thou hast fallen into the pit , or say , rather , thou hast ascended to the pedestal of infamy , on which i found thee “海絲特, ”他說, “我不對你盤詰:出于什么原因或以何種方式,你墮入了深淵,或者寧可說,你登上了恥辱的刑臺我正是在那兒見到你的。 |
There was i , then , mounted aloft ; i , who had said i could not bear the shame of standing on my natural feet in the middle of the room , was now exposed to general view on a pedestal of infamy 于是我就這么高高地站著。而我曾說過,我不能忍受雙腳站立于房間正中的恥辱,但此刻我卻站在恥辱臺上示眾。 |
But he , who for the first time was becoming conscious of himself , was in no condition to judge , and he burned with shame as he stared at the vision of his infamy 這種想法對她問是不公平的,對他自己也不公平。但是,初次有自我意識的他卻還不具備判斷的條件,他呆望著自己恥辱的幻影羞愧得無地自容。 |
The disappointment of it , the lie of it , the infamy of it , were uppermost in his thoughts ; and under his closed eyelids , in fiery figures , burned the “ 3 . 85 “ he owed the grocer 那失望,那虛假,那無恥總浮動在他思想里。在他合攏的眼簾下燃燒著他欠雜貨店的3 . 85 ,是幾個火一樣的數字。 |
On the other hand , a penalty which , in our days , would infer a degree of mocking infamy and ridicule , might then be invested with almost as stern a dignity as the punishment of death itself 另外,如今只意味著某種令人冷嘲熱諷的懲罰,在當時卻可能被賦予同死刑一樣嚴厲的色彩。 |
“ the next day , december 8 , the president of the united states , franklin d . roosevelt , addressed congress and the american people , calling december 7 “ “ a date which will live in infamy “ “ . 翌日,美國總統富蘭克林?羅斯福對國會和美國人民發表演說,稱12月7日為國恥日。 |
Princess marya lingered on the steps , still horrified at her own spiritual infamy , and trying to get her ideas into shape before going in to see him 瑪麗亞公爵小姐站在門廓上,她對自己內心的卑鄙不斷地感到恐懼,在進屋去看父親之前,清理了一下自己的思緒。 |