
inf INF =intermediate(-range) nu...


Ought aux . to inf 應當,應該

Create a new folder in the web - inf directory called ins and copy three files there 的新文件夾,然后將那里的三個文件進行復制:

A macro required by the device was not found in the device . inf file section 該設備必須得宏在該設備的inf文件中沒有被找到。

This must be stored as part of the war file under the web - inf subdirectory 必須作為war文件的一部分存儲在web - inf子目錄下。

Under the web - inf directory , create two simple xml deployment descriptors 在web - inf目錄下,創建兩個簡單的xml部署描述符。

The wizard could not create client . inf for the computer you are setting up 向導無法為正在安裝的計算機創建client . inf 。

Returning residents inf 8 返回原居住地(信息8 )

The device name in the device . inf or media . ini file is too long 在inf文件中設備名或在ini文件中的介質說明太長。

The macro was not found in the device . inf file section 在該設備inf文件中的一條命令或響應提供了一個未定義的宏。

File held in the schema subdirectory of the meta - inf directory 文件,該文件保存在meta - inf目錄的schema子目錄中。

The < message > macro was not found in the device . inf file section 該“ message ”宏在該設備inf文件中不能被發現。

Inf 19 is not publicly available 信息19是不公開項

Comparison of technologies for clean diesel production from inf erior gas oil 劣質柴油生產清潔柴油技術的比較

Attempted to set a macro not listed in device . inf file section 試圖設置的一個宏在設備的inf文件中沒有列出。

This process eliminates the need to manually customize the . inf file 此過程消除了手動自定義. inf文件的需要。

Working holidaymakers inf 15 工作假期旅行者(信息15 )

Method for the determination of propamocarb residues inf cereals for export 出口糧谷中霜霉威殘留量檢驗方法

662 attempted to set a macro not listed in device . inf file section 置的一個宏在設備的inf文件中沒有列出。

This descriptor is placed in the meta - inf directory of the jar file 該描述符位于jar文件的meta - inf目錄中。