
inexhaustible adj.1.用不完的,無窮盡的。2.不知疲倦的,精神好的...


“ chess , “ commings stated , “ is inexhaustible . what a concentration of life it is really . 柯明思繼續抒發他的高見: “棋子里變化無窮啊。棋枰其實就是生活的一個絕妙的縮影” 。

The visible supply is practically inexhaustible ; and the invisible supply really is inexhaustible 這可得到的具體的供應實際上是取之不盡的,而某些抽象的無形供應更是如此!

He received the nobel prize and the title of academician is still not inexhaustible volumes thinking to explore 他在得到院士頭銜和諾貝爾獎后仍在孜孜不卷地思考、探索。

This young man had a very keen sense of the comic and an inexhaustible , almost excessive , flow of words 這位年輕人具有敏銳的喜劇意識和用之不竭、甚至太過的流暢語言。

Making innovations is the soul of a nation and the inexhaustible motive force of the prosperity of a country 創新是一個民族的靈魂,是一個國家興旺發達的不竭動力。

American business profited greatly from an inexhaustible supply of unskilled and semiskilled workers 美國企業得益于非熟練型與半熟練型勞動力源源不斷的供給。

The world would move from a state of energy scarcity to an era of inexhaustible energy resources 世界將從一個能源缺乏的狀態進入一個擁有無窮無盡能源的時代。

The daxinanling forest region , is a beautiful big garden , also is a inexhaustible treasure house 大興安嶺林區,是一座美麗的大花園,也是一座取之不盡的寶庫。

Because we don ' t know when we will die , we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well 因為不知何時死之將至,我們乃將生命視為無窮無盡任意揮霍的源泉。

Light from the sun is practically inexhaustible ; in other words , sunlight cannot be used up 來自太陽的光幾乎是用之不竭的;換句話說,陽光無法被用盡。

The wealth of her graces was inexhaustible - - she beautified the commonest action 她那優美的風度千姿百態, - -她給最平常的一舉一動都賦予一種美感。

Creativity is the soul of a nation and an inexhaustible source of a country ' s prosperity 創新是一個民族的靈魂,是一個國家興旺發達的不竭動力。

The ability cultivation is the inexhaustible source for developing china higher vocational education 能力培養是發展我國高職教育的不竭源泉

Was inexhaustible wealth 無盡的財富

Inexhaustible supply of fish 無冬藏的魚

I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible 188我將死了又死,死了又死,以明白生命是無窮無盡的。

I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible 我將一次又一次地死去,以此明白生命是無窮無盡的!

I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible 我將一次又一次的死去,以此明白生命是無窮無盡的。

Innovation is the inexhaustible driving force of various undertakings ' development 創新是各項事業發展的不竭動力