
inevitable adj.1.不可避免的,不可逃避的;必然的。2.合情合理...


Eventually , of course , the inevitable happens 當然,不可避免的事最后終于發生了。

Yet the trend towards openness is not inevitable 然而,開放之勢并非所向披靡。

[ a ] is inevitable in radical education reforms 在激進的教育改革中是不可避免的。

This process is quiet , gradual , and inevitable 這是一個悄然必然的轉變的過程。

On the inevitable choice of humanitarian management 論人本管理是管理的必然選擇

The inevitable happens , the project is cancelled 必然的事情發生了,項目被撤銷。

Hybrid library : the inevitable trend of library development 圖書館發展的必然趨勢

What is there between both inevitable connection 二者之間沒有什么必然的聯系。

I ' ve just been postponing the inevitable 我只是在推延一些不可避免要發生的事情

Under the circumstances , bankruptcy is inevitable 情況如此,破產是無可避免的。

Market diversification is an inevitable trend 市場多元化是一個不可逆轉的趨勢。

Globalization has an inevitable relation with wto 全球化與wto有著必然的聯系。

Death is inevitable ; it comes to everyone 死亡無可避免,它要降臨到每個人頭上。

Eco - agriculture : inevitable choice for green consumption 適應綠色消費的必然選擇

If he modulated his inevitable resentment to the chastened attitude of the reformed sinner, he might win his point in the end . 只要克制一下自己難免會產生的憤恨情緒,采取罪人改邪歸正,接受懲處的態度,他最終就有可能達到目的。

Bad weather could not blot out for certain or for a long period the inevitable result of massed attack on enemy communications . 惡劣的天氣并不一定能夠抵銷,或者不能長期地抵銷,對敵人的交通線實行密集襲擊所造成的必然結果。

Perhaps her air was the inevitable result of the social rise which had advanced her from a cottage to a large house and fields . 她的這種神態也許是因為她的社會地位從一個茅舍之家提高到了一個宅廣地多之家的必不可免的結果。

A variety of occupations, of objects, and of company, which could not be procured at barton, would be inevitable there . 在這里肯定有五花八門的消遣、多種多樣的打算和各式各樣的朋友,而這些在巴頓是得不到的。

Thermal pollution is an inevitable concomitant of power generationan unavoidable implication of the second law of thermodynamics . 熱污染是動力生產所無法擺脫的它與熱力學第二定律有著難解之緣。