inestimable adj.1.難以估計的。2.極貴重的,無價的。短語和例子...
adj. 1.難以估計的。 2.極貴重的,無價的。 短語和例子an inestimable service 非常寶貴的貢獻。 adv. -bly “inestimable parameter“ 中文翻譯: 無法估計參數“inestimable value“ 中文翻譯: 難以估量的價值“inestal“ 中文翻譯: 伊內斯塔爾“inesta“ 中文翻譯: 伊內斯塔; 伊涅斯塔“inestimably“ 中文翻譯: 不能評價地“inessive case“ 中文翻譯: 內格“inestrillas“ 中文翻譯: 伊內斯特里利亞斯“inessive“ 中文翻譯: 在內格“inesuke“ 中文翻譯: 稻介; 稻亮; 稻佑; 稻助; 稻佐“inessential singularity“ 中文翻譯: 非本性奇點
inevitable |
On january 3 , members of the thai relief team returned to bangkok and experienced no fatigue or drowsiness because they had felt the love and blessings of supreme master ching hai all during their efforts . through the tsunami relief project the thai brothers and sisters shared master s boundless love , experienced significant spiritual growth and learned lessons of inestimable value about caring and compassion for their fellow human beings 元月3日,救援隊同修返回曼谷,由于師父的愛力加持,大家并不感到疲倦或想睡,多數同修都表達了相同的感想:能夠透過此次賑災活動,分享師父的愛,并從中獲得靈性成長,確實是難能可貴的經驗。 |
If weigh the risk in its economic activity with microeconomy , is only a kind of one that can appraise , tangible economic risk ; this macroscopica l risk emerging in economic activity of finance , not merely include the inestimable one , add the invisible economic risk tangibly . the possibility brought is that the useless crying over spilt milk economy fluctuates even jeopardize national politics steadily violently 若以微觀經濟來衡量其經濟活動中的風險,則僅是一種可估量的、有形的經濟風險;而財政這一宏觀經濟活動產生的風險,不僅包含不可估量的、有形加無形的經濟風險,帶來的可能是覆水難收的經濟劇烈波動甚至危及國家政治穩定。 |
This paper elucidated , from the angle of the development history of our country ' s books , about the enormous and inestimable influence of the bamboo inscription in the respects of our country ' s chinese literal development , origination of many vocabulary 、 calligraphic ways and book system formation 、 and of the preservation for ancient cultural relics and so on 摘要本文從我國書籍發展史的角度,論述了竹木簡牘對我國漢字的發展、詞匯的產生、書寫形式及書籍制度的形成、古代文化遺產的保存等方面所產生的巨大的、不可估量的影響。 |
The poems of lo you , fan chengda , and other poets of the southern song dynasty ( 960 - 1279 ) are of inestimable literary and archaeological value . on the top of the hill stands the puxian ta pagoda , erected during the ming dynasty ( 1368 - 1644 ) and shaped as the handle of the dagger with which the elephant was killed 1986年依象鼻山辟建象山公園,園內以象鼻山為主體,還有“象山水月” 、仿古建云峰寺、愛情島、明代建普賢塔等景觀,象鼻山是桂林重點的旅游景點。 |
The cave between the body and the trunk of this elephant figure is of a particularly interesting shape and has inspired poets and other writers , old and new , to engrave verses on its walls . the poems of lo you , fan chengda , and other poets of the southern song dynasty 960 - 1279 are of inestimable literary and archaeological value 1986年依象鼻山辟建象山公園,園內以象鼻山為主體,還有“象山水月”仿古建筑云峰寺愛情島明代建筑普賢塔等景觀,象鼻山是桂林重點的旅游景點。 |
Then he knelt by the fire and painfully wrote something upon each of these with his “ red keel “ ; one he rolled up and put in his jacket pocket , and the other he put in joe s hat and removed it to a little distance from the owner . and he also put into the hat certain schoolboy treasures of almost inestimable value - among them a lump of chalk , an india - rubber ball , three fishhooks , and one of that kind of marbles known as a “ sure nough crystal . 然后他就在火堆旁跪下,用他那塊紅硯石在樹皮上吃力地寫了幾個字他把一塊卷起來,放到上衣口袋里,另一塊放在喬的帽子里,他把帽子挪遠了一點后又在里面放了些被小學生視為無價之寶的東西一截粉筆一個橡皮球三個釣魚鉤和一塊叫做“純水晶球”的石頭。 |
Then i wanted a mill to grind it , sieves to dress it , yeast and salt to make it into bread , and an oven to bake it , and yet all these things i did without , as shall be observ d ; and yet the corn was an inestimable comfort and advantage to me too 所有這一切,我都一無所有,但我還是做成了面包。這些事我將在下面再告訴讀者。但在當時,我總算有了自己的糧食,這對我是極大的安慰,為我的生活帶來了更多有利的條件。 |
It took me a good two years to make a deep bond with them , and it came about during a body - therapy session , where a wave of pleiadian love , like no other , engulfed me and imprinted in my emotional body the inestimable value they held for me 我用了兩年與他們做深刻的結合,并且它在身體療愈當中來了,是一個昴宿星愛的波浪,如沒有其它,他們吞噬我和烙印在我的情感身體里,對我有著難以估量的價值。 |
He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people , unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature , a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only 他拒絕批準便利廣大地區人民的其他法律,除非那些人民情愿放棄自己在立法機關中的代表權;但這種權利對他們有無法估量的價值,而且只有暴君才畏懼這種權利。 |
He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people , unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature , a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only 他拒絕批準方便廣大地區人民的其他的法律,除非這些地區的人民情愿放棄自己在立法機構中代表權;而代表權對人民來說是無比珍貴的,只有暴君才畏懼它。 |
He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people , unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature , a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only 他拒絕批準便利大地區人民的其它法律,除非這些地區的人民情愿放棄自己在立法機構中的代表權,而代表權對人民是無比珍貴的,只有暴君才畏懼它。 |
Thus , dongpo su gong tie is without doubt the finest extant example of su shi ' s calligraphy and is of inestimable value for studying his opus and the history of the study of rubbings 因此,東坡蘇公帖碑無論在保存東坡書跡方面,還是于蘇軾詩賦校勘研究方面,都具有重要的價值,也是帖學研究中應該關注的重要對象。 |
The expansion in the chain enterprises is a leading way to achieve their scale economic profit , in the process , how to assign the staff to franchised company has played an inestimable role 摘要連鎖經營企業主要通過規模擴張以實現其規模經濟效用,而外派員工在其連鎖擴張進程中起到了不可估量的作用。 |
“ madam , you may : she shall be placed in that nursery of chosen plants , and i trust she will show herself grateful for the inestimable privilege of her election . “太太、你可以這么說。她將被放在培植精選花草的苗圃里,我相信她會因為無比榮幸地被選中而感激涕零的。 ” |
Madam , you may : she shall be placed in that nursery of chosen plants , and i trust she will show herself grateful for the inestimable privilege of her election “太太你可以這么說。她將被放在培植精選花草的苗圃里,我相信她會因為無比榮幸地被選中而感激涕零的。 ” |
These judicial and legislative measures played an inestimable part in the progress of cracking down on organizing , leading and involving in criminal syndicate group crime 這些立法、司法舉措在打擊組織、領導、參加黑社會性質組織犯罪過程中起到了不可估量的作用。 |
Therefore , it ' s estimable of the outflow of gambling capitals but once completely opening up the gaming industry , the social risks brought by it might be inestimable 因此,賭資外流是可以估算的,而一旦全面放開博彩業,帶來的社會風險可能是無法估量的。 |
Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value . education can , alone , cause it to reveal its treasures , and enable mankind to benefit therefrom 人可比喻作一個豐富的礦藏,蘊藏著不可估量的寶石。惟有教育能使之顯露出來,使人類獲得裨益。 |
Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value . education can , alone , cause it to reveal its treasures , and enable mankind to benefit therefrom 人可視為一座富含無價寶石的礦藏,唯有教育能讓它展示其珍寶,并讓人類從中獲益。 |