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inertial space 慣性空間,慣性作用區〔假設有固定座標的地球上空的一部分,...


The ring laser gyro ( rlg ) is a new photoelectric inertia sensor based on the optic interference theory . it uses the difference between the frequency of the two beams of light , which run in the opposite direction in the resonant cavity , to measure the carrier ’ s rotate speed and the orientation in the inertial space 環形激光陀螺儀( ringlasergyro ,簡稱rlg )是以光學干涉原理為基礎發展起來的新型光電慣性敏感儀器,它利用環形諧振腔內順、逆運行的兩束光的諧振頻率差來測量載體對于慣性空間的轉速和方位。