
ineffectual adj.無效的,不靈驗的,徒勞無益的。adv.-ly ,...


The teaching of chinese reading is rather time - consuming but a little ineffectual . this thesis initiates a new reading teaching method - research - reading which is based on analyzing the current condition of reading teaching . it also makes an effect to explore the pratical value of the new teaching method through a deep study of the occurring background and the base of the theories and also guiding the students to practise researching to promote chinese reading teaching to grow healthily 語文閱讀教學耗時多而收效甚微,本論文立足于現狀分析,積極倡導一種閱讀教學新模式? ?研究性閱讀,并通過對其出現背景、理論基礎的深入探究,以及學生研究性閱讀的實踐指導,努力摸索研究性閱讀的具體實踐價值,希望能推動語文閱讀教學的健康發展。

In the chapter of analyzing the primary allocation of shell resource , the author emphasizes that ineffectual rent - seeking leads to great damage to the social welfare , and he also points out that auction will not eliminate rent - seeking and the only way to do so is deregulation through a 3 levels analysis of the auction system 在分析“殼資源”初級配置時,指出無效尋租可能構成了尋租成本的主體,直接損害了社會福利。并通過對拍賣制的尋租三層次分析,說明拍賣制并不能消除尋租,指出解決尋租的根本方法只能是放松管制。

I had , again and again , held the water to mason s white lips ; again and again offered him the stimulating salts : my efforts seemed ineffectual : either bodily or mental suffering , or loss of blood , or all three combined , were fast prostrating his strength 而白晝和支援都沒有來臨,我已經一次次把水端到梅森蒼白的嘴邊,一次次把刺激性的嗅鹽遞給他。我的努力似乎并沒有奏效,肉體的痛苦,抑或精神的痛楚,抑或失血,抑或三者兼而有之,使他的精力衰竭了。

Instead , at a time when russia ' s defence budget is a fraction of what it was in the cold war , they prefer to resurrect russia ' s ageing bomber - fleet to fly ineffectual sorties against the west ? just as mr putin has lately resorted to verbal offence as a form of defence 相反的是,俄羅斯總是在他們的國防預算只是相當于冷戰時的一小部分時妄圖復興俄羅斯陳舊過時的轟炸機部隊以達到飛越西方國家的包圍。

Corporations , increasingly frustrated with ineffectual efforts by governments to crack down on piracy , have either turned to private detectives for help or have even built their own antipiracy squads in hopes of stemming the avalanche of bogus merchandise 由于各國政府打擊假冒偽劣產品成效不顯著,各公司漸感失望之馀,轉而求助私家偵探,甚至自己成立反仿冒小組,希望能遏止排山倒海而來的偽造商品。

Sir alex ferguson had angry words with the entire team after wednesday ' s carling cup defeat at home to coventry city , but he was particularly aggrieved about anderson ' s ineffectual display and is concerned at how the new arrival is struggling to make a favourable impression 弗格森爵士因為周三輸給考文垂而對整個球隊大發雷霆,但是他特別批評了安德森的發揮,恐怕巴西人要更加努力才能獲得垂青。

How much luckier could he have been when , in the european cup final in barcelona against bayern munich , he fielded an unbalanced team with the left - footed ryan giggs on the right and jesper blomqvist , the ineffectual swede , on the left 他在巴塞羅那舉行的對拜仁的冠軍杯決賽中是多么走運啊:當時他派出了一支平衡性有問題的隊伍,左腳將吉格斯打右路,而沒什么作為的瑞典人布洛姆奎斯特則打左路。

It was six o clock in the morning , the dawn was just breaking , and its feeble ray came into the dungeon , and paled the ineffectual light of the lamp . strange shadows passed over the countenance of the dead man , and at times gave it the appearance of life 此時是早晨六點鐘,天剛剛亮,微弱的晨曦穿入黑牢,使那將熄的燈光顯得更加蒼白,異樣的反光映射在死者的臉上,使人看上去還有點生氣。

The global debate over weaponising space is not new , but the international community has been ineffectual in reaching consensus on how to ban all weapons from orbit and prevent spacecraft from being targeted 關于太空武器化的全球辯論已經不是新鮮事了,但國際社會關于如何在軌道上禁止各種類型的武器以及防止將太空飛行器作為進攻目標等方面的努力卻一直未能形成一致意見。

The global debate over weaponising space is not new , but the international community has been ineffectual in reaching consensus on how to ban all weapons from orbit and prevent spacecraft from being tar * * ed 關于太空武器化的全球辯論已經不是新鮮事了,但國際社會關于如何在軌道上禁止各種類型的武器以及防止將太空飛行器作為進攻目標等方面的努力卻一直未能形成一致意見。

It identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of “ ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying ” as the twin problems of end - of - life care 報告確定了醫院臨終關懷護理中存在的兩個問題:對病痛處理不力和大膽使用“無效而強制性的醫療程序” ,這些程序可能會延長死亡期,甚至會讓病人臨終時痛苦不堪。

Since conventional approaches were ineffectual , theoretical analysis and calculation were applied to find out the fault area and the reasons , and the fault was eliminated without affecting the safe operation of the unit 由于常規的消缺辦法無法奏效,通過觀察總結出隱含規律,并依據理論分析和公式計算找出故障范圍和原因,在不影響機組安全運行的基礎上消除了缺陷。

It identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of “ ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying ” as the twin problems of end ? ? of ? ? life care 參考譯文]它把對疼痛的治療不足和盲目積極使用“有可能延長死亡時間甚至讓死亡過程蒙羞的無效并且強迫性的醫療手段”視為生命臨終醫護的兩個問題。

It identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of “ ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying “ as the twin problems of end ? ? of ? ? life care 它把對疼痛的治療不足和盲目積極使用“有可能延長死亡時間甚至讓死亡過程蒙羞的無效并且強迫性的醫療手段“視為生命臨終醫護的兩個問題。

Mr mbeki , who has long resisted calls to get rid of the ineffectual minister , has instead removed her effective deputy for , apparently , failing to respect the government ' s collective will 很多人都想讓這位辦事不利的衛生部長下臺,可姆貝基卻一直充耳不聞;倒是向來成績突出的副部長被他給撤了。很顯然,那是因為她不跟著政府的集體意志走。

Accounting agencies or accountants shall take action to stop or correct illegal income and outlays ; where their action is ineffectual , they shall submit a written memorandum asking the unit ' s leader to handle it 會計機構、會計人員認為是違法的收支,應當制止和糾正;制止和糾正無效的,應當向單位領導人提出書面意見,要求處理。

Mr mbeki , who has long resisted calls to get rid of the ineffectual minister , has instead removed her effective deputy for , apparently , failing to respect the government ' s collective will 姆貝基先生長久以來都拒絕辭退無能的衛生部長,現在反倒把工作得力的副部長辭退了,理由是這位副部長不跟著集體的意志走。

The pure effort is not ineffectual , and not is stopped by any one ; the prohibition upon this trend only destroys ordered organic character of nature , and restricted by nature 人類的這種純正努力,從來都是不會白費的,也是任何人都阻止不了的;對這種趨勢的阻止,只會破壞自然的有序有機性,而受自然的反制。

Himself the one trusted friend , to whom should be confided all the fear , the remorse , the agony , the ineffectual repentance , the backward rush of sinful thoughts , expelled in vain 他把自己裝扮成那人的可信賴的朋友,讓對方向他吐露一切恐懼自責煩惱徒勞的懊悔回潮的負罪感,而且絲毫不能茍且!