
ineffaceable adj.不能消除的,抹不掉的。 an ineffacea...


In his whole life , he had always been vigorously reforming , actively pursuing , and fearlessly pioneering and finally had made an ineffaceable dedication to the development of chinese education and culture 他的一生,除舊布新,銳意改革,積極進取,勇于開拓,為發展中國的教育文化事業作出了不可磨滅的貢獻。

The embrace of the black and white stone accumulate the ineffaceable love which is too heavy to forget 黑與白的懷抱,重重的堆疊著那份不可忘卻的恩情,重厚的那么不可忘懷。

This is the ineffaceable track of the greatest single avalanche in recorded history . 這是在有文字記載的歷史上最大的一次崩落所留下的難以消除的痕跡。