
indulgence n.1.縱情,沉迷,沉溺。2.放任,縱容,嬌養。3.嗜好...


My five children and i have instituted this indulgence among our neighborhood friends ever since 我的五個孩子和我從那是開始和我的鄰居朋友們創辦了這個活動。

Instead , just forgive yourself for any indulgences , and get back on your healthy eating plan 不要這樣,原諒你這一次的放縱,然后繼續你的健康飲食計劃。

In any case , one thing is clear : chocolate is more than just a sweet 31 ) indulgence 無論如何,有件事很清楚:吃巧克力不只是放縱自己吃甜食而已。

I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating it to a grow - up 我希望所有的孩子能夠原諒我,把這本書獻給一個大人。

The perfect bathlooking for the ultimate indulgence without a day spa price tag 一個令人陶醉的入浴經驗不需去溫泉美容院花大把金錢泡澡享受

A pair of diamond stud earrings is both a necessity and an indulgence for any woman 擁有一對鉆石耳釘對于每個女人來說那是必備也是放縱。

I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating it to a grown - up 我請孩子們原諒我把這本書獻給了一個大人。

I will also avoid festivities and indulgence in food and alcoholic drinks 我們應該要避免去游樂場所、參加喜慶典禮或者是大吃大喝。

This soap is not only for your indulgence , but also a perfect gift idea 美麗的圖案還可用于裝飾美化你私密的潔凈空間:浴室或臥室。

He was loud , robust , and was sometimes spoken of as being “ given to indulgence “ 他身強力壯,嗓音洪亮,有時人家罵他“胡作非為。 ”

The dimage x1 offers the kind of indulgence you ll appreciate every time you shoot 防手震功能,進一步提升高解像度vga短片質素

Chelsea is his self - indulgence ; it is for his entertainment and amusement 切爾西是他的任性的玩物,是為了給他消遣和娛樂的。

Indulgences granted on 15th world day of the sick sunday , 11 february 于第十五屆世界病患者日二月十一日主日頒賜之大赦

Works to be performed for gaining indulgences i . according to the above - mentioned 乙、為得圣體年大赦所應履行的善工

Thank you for your indulgence 多謝各位的厚愛

Sweets are my only indulgence 甜食是我唯一的嗜好。

Conditions for gaining indulgences 甲獲得大赦的條件

A strange form of self - indulgence 多么奇怪的自欺欺人!

None of us needs to suffer in order to practise self - indulgence 我們沒有人為了實踐自我放縱而需要受苦。