
indolent adj.1.懶惰的,不積極的。2.【醫學】不痛的,小痛的...


On ascertaining the standard of “ be indolent in excising “ , not only time and means but also the goals of subrogation and means . in discussing the standard of creditor ' s loss , i think that we should consider some creditor ' s right and debtor ' s right and deferring of debtor adding some time 申請除權判決和撤訴的相關情況,在認定債權損害標準上,本文在概括論述這方面的五種觀點上,認為這三個標準均有所缺陷,真正確保債權人債權得以實現,一般情況下應以債權人之債權及債務人之權利至j期與債務人遲延再加上一定的期限為準

In practice , the directors , the managers and other senior / high - ranking staff members often violate the rules , and the third party infringe the interests of the corporation but the board of the directors is indolent to sue , which damages the rights and interests the small shareholders and the corporation 董事會及其成員權力的日益膨脹,極易使其背離公司及其股東的利益。實踐中,董事、經理或其他高級職員違規操作,第三人侵犯公司利益的情況大量存在,而董事會卻怠于起訴,使得中小股東和公司的權益受到損失。

This officer , probably some one on the staff , held a memorandum in his hand , and called over all the russians names , giving pierre the title of the one who will not give his name . and with an indolent and indifferent glance at all the prisoners , he gave the officer on guard orders to have them decently dressed and in good order before bringing them before the marshal 這位軍官,大概是參謀部什么人,拿著一份名單,點全部俄國人的名,呼叫皮埃爾為: celuiquinavouepassonnom不愿說出姓名的人。他冷淡地懶洋洋地看了一遍被俘的人,吩咐看守軍官給他們穿著得像樣,收拾整,然后帶去見元帥。

Miss bingley was engrossed by mr . darcy , her sister scarcely less so ; and as for mr . hurst , by whom elizabeth sat , he was an indolent man , who lived only to eat , drink , and play at cards , who , when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout , had nothing to say to her 彬格萊小姐的心在達西先生身上,赫斯脫太太差不多也沒有什么兩樣再說到赫斯脫先生,他就坐在伊麗莎白身旁,他天生一副懶骨頭,活在世上就是為了吃喝玩牌,他聽到伊麗莎白寧可吃一碟普通的菜而不喜歡吃燴肉,便和她談不上勁了。

But there was a brisk and restless vitality about the young irishman , fresh from a country where winds blew wet and chill , where misty swamps held no fevers , that set him apart from these indolent gentlefolk of semi - tropical weather and malarial marshes 然而,這個年輕的愛爾蘭人身上有一種活躍蓬勃的生命力,新近來自一個國家,那兒的風潮濕而冰冷,那兒霧氣騰騰的沼澤不會帶來傷寒,這一切使他區別于這些亞熱帶氣候下懶洋洋的上流人士和虐疾流行的沼澤地帶。

So it has outstanding curative effects on scald , piles , chilblain , indolent wound after operation , scurf damage , ulcerate and etc . , especially on bedsore that has a long resistance to treatment 尿囊素不僅對動物,并且對植物同樣有促進生長的作用,尤其對植物發芽,秧苗返青、植株生長等更為明顯,最終導致農業增產。

The latter was still sitting in the same indolent pose in which rostov had left him , rubbing his little white hands . what nasty faces there are in this world ! thought rostov as he went into the room 捷利亞寧一直坐著,仍然保持著羅斯托夫離開他時的那副懶洋洋的樣子,一面搓著他那雙潔白的小手。

The gentleman he addressed got up , saying in an indolent way , “ oh really ? “ and dawdled to the hearthrug where mr . bounderby stood 他所叫的這位紳士站了起來,懶洋洋地說道: “呵,真的嗎? ”然后又慢拖拖地走到壁爐前,龐得貝正站在那兒的地毯上。

Object : focal tumors , a distinct subgroup of which is composed of brainstem gliomas , may have an indolent clinical course 目的:局灶性腫瘤作為腦干神經膠質瘤的一個特殊亞型,可能表現出一種無痛的臨床過程。

The indolent , the dissolute , and the feeble he was equally hard upon and tried to expel them from the community 他對懶漢二流子和軟弱無能的人一概不姑息,盡可能把他們從集體驅逐出去。

Among the gentlemen of the suite , rostov noticed bolkonsky , sitting his horse in a slack , indolent pose 羅斯托夫在侍從先生中也發現那個懶洋洋的放蕩不羈的博爾孔斯基,這時他正在騎行。

Papillary carcinomas are indolent tumors that have a long survival , even with metastases 乳頭狀癌表現為無痛性腫塊,存活時間長,甚至在轉移的情況下也是如此。

Once two indolent people in the seats next to theirs delayed them , and the newsreel started 一次坐在他們旁邊的兩個懶人讓他們耽擱了一會兒,新聞短片開始了。

Speech grew more and more indolent , and a sense of lassitude was lulling the room to sleep 她們談話的速度越來越慢,客廳里的人都疲倦了,個個昏昏欲睡。

They generally appear as a swelling of the salivary gland with indolent growing pattern 臨床表現以腮腺腫大?主,此外并無特殊臨床發現。

Clinical observation of the indolent hiccup treated with massage yongquan combined with acupuncture 推拿涌泉加針灸治療頑固性呃逆

I don ' t want to make friends with indolent persons 我不喜歡和懶惰的人交朋友。

So intelligent , so indolent , so carefree 他們那么聰明,那么懶洋洋的,無憂無慮!

The gentleman he addressed got up, saying in an indolent way, “oh really?“ and dawdled to the hearthrug where mr. bounderby stood . 他所叫的這位紳士站了起來,懶洋洋地說道:“呵,真的嗎?”然后又慢拖拖地走到壁爐前,龐得貝正站在那兒的地毯上。