
indiscernible adj.覺察不出的;難辨別的。adv.-bly


As i watch students of different age groups and family backgrounds come and go each year , one of my great realizations has been that i have overcome some hidden problems in my heart . teaching and learning reciprocally and simultaneously , i have been able to utilize the wisdom derived from practicing the quan yin method , to face and solve difficulties in teaching . in an indiscernible way , i have revealed god s love to hiers children , and let them feel this peaceful , blissful , tranquil , and positive power in the universe 看著每年不同年層不同生活背景的學生來來去去,最大的收獲之一便是克服自己內心一些潛在的問題,在教學相長的同時,能夠運用修行觀音法門所發展的智慧,去面對及解決教學上的困難在潛移默化中,將上帝的愛力傳達給這群上帝的小孩,讓他們感受到宇宙中這股平靜快樂安詳肯定的力量。

In this paper , a rs - based model , which starts up from trained documents for web documents classification , is introduced . taking advantage of the rs theory ' s features in efficient dealing with vague , indiscernible , and fuzzy information , we sets up a series of layered subsystems to reduce redundant properties from classification tables . in this way , we can not only efficiently reduce the dimension of documents but also keep the information of keywords set 本文提出了一種基于粗糙集理論的web文本分類模型,該模型從已分類的訓練文本出發,建立一系列不同層次的文本分類子系統,利用roughset理論有效處理不精確、不確定、含糊信息的特性,對分類決策表進行屬性約簡,既有效降低了web文本的維度,又保持關鍵詞集合中的信息。

Data mining is currently a hot research topic of the knowledge discovery domain . this paper mainly studies the way from data reduction based on rough sets to data mining . value reduction which generalizes every rule makes all rules more concise . the most important is it deduces the number of data , then it improves the efficiency of data mining and deduces the complex of time . this paper gives method of data reduction based on roughsets . implementation of concept hierarchy . and a method for computing reduction using indiscernible matrix . 數據挖掘是當前知識發現領域中的一個研究熱點,本論文的主旨是研究如何通過基于粗集的值約簡實現數據挖掘。值約簡事實上是在求得屬性簡式的基礎上,針對每條規則,將規則盡可能的泛化,使每條規則更趨簡練,也更具有代表性,更重要的是,它通過離散化對全體數據進行約簡,使整個數據量降低,從而提高了挖掘的效率,降低了時間復雜度。

Ever since i began following master to practice the quan yin method , under her indiscernible edification , i have noticed some incredible changes in my daily life and social interactions . everything is going miraculously smoothly . unknowingly , i have been treating everyone friendly 自從跟師父修行觀音法門以來,在潛移默化中,我發現自己在日常生活及待人處世方面,有了一些不可思議的變化:每件事總是奇跡似地順利進行,而自己也在不知不覺中以友好的心態對待他人,并且越來越樂意與人分享事物,整個身心都越來越自在了。

During the four - day retreat , master s love - so delicate , so right and indiscernible - enriched my love . i know that despite the rocks and thorns on the path of spiritual practice , we are the most fortunate children of all , because master s love is always with us 四天的打禪,師父的愛豐潤我的生命,她的愛是那么細膩那么貼切,那么地不留痕跡,我知道即使修行的路上充滿石頭和荊棘,但我們是最幸運的寵兒,因為師父的愛永遠與我們同在。

If einstein is right , scientists say , the satellite should detect that small bits of time and space are actually missing from each orbit , something indiscernible to orbiting astronauts but measurable nonetheless 科學家說:如果愛因斯坦是對的,那么這個人造衛星應該能探測到少量的時間和空間確實從每個軌道上丟失了,這些丟失的時間和空間雖然隨軌道運動的宇航員看不到,但確實能測量

Classification model is based on typical rough set theory and entropy theory , select the attribute according to entropy theory , determine the equivalence classes according to indiscernible relation , then extract the classification rules 分類模型是以經典的粗糙集合理論和信息熵理論為基礎,依據信息熵理論對屬性進行篩選,依據不可區分關系確定等價類,從而提取決策規則。

Master s subtle love reaches deep into the inner layers of consciousness of her disciples , bringing to surface even some indiscernible , and i would say , harmless , habits and offering a chance for rectification 師父靈敏的愛力,深入徒兒的各層靈識,連平常我一些習焉不察認為無傷大雅的生活習慣,

Upon investigating further , brown was surprised by how smooth and mirror - like was the stone surface of the whole structure , with the joints ` between the individual blocks almost indiscernible 更進一步調查之后,布朗驚訝整個建筑物石頭表面是多么的光滑如鏡一樣,幾乎不能看見石頭之間的接縫處。

Humans have human power , and spiritual practitioners have spiritual power . this power might be indiscernible to us but it is so infinite that no physical power can compare 人有人的力量,修行的人也有修行的力量,那種力量我們也許看不到,但卻是無量無邊的大,絕不是身體的力量可以比擬的。

Even if the symptoms are physically indiscernible , the illness can still be detected . any micro abnormalities that cannot be diagnosed by other tests can be detected 即使病徵沒有具體顯現,仍舊可以測量得知,人體任何微細的異常變化都可以偵測出來,這是目前其他方式的檢驗所望塵莫及的。

It proved that master can naturally receive any idea that emerges in our minds . master s indiscernible power and spiritual level are beyond human imagination 由此再度證明,我們每次起心動念,師父都可以接收到,師父內在蘊含的能力與修行的境界,已超乎我們凡夫頭腦的想像!

Iron is the substance which gives aquamarine its colour , a colour which ranges from an almost indiscernible pale blue to a strong sea - blue 鐵元素是讓海藍寶石產生如此迷人的藍顏色的主因,其顏色范圍從微

Mr . fukano kazuyuki believes that the “ essence of the universe “ lies in a realm that is indiscernible to the physical eye 他認為宇宙的本質存在于肉眼看不到的世界,那是由超微粒的宇宙能量所構成。

I felt myself engulfed by a huge flame light , as though i was being protected by an indiscernible power 這時突然覺得渾身像有一團火光把我圍了起來,像被一股看不見的力量給保護一樣。

( 2 ) remove the indiscernible attribute ( 2 )去掉離散化后不可分辨的屬性。