
indifferently adv.1.不關心地,冷淡地,漫然,漠然。2.無差別地;...


I took a world of pains at it , and was a great while before i could make any thing likely to hold ; nay , after i thought i had hit the way , i spoil d 2 or 3 before i made one to my mind ; but at last i made one that answer d indifferently well : the main difficulty i found was to make it to let down 做傘確實不易,就是在我自以為找到訣竅之后,還是做壞了兩三把,直到最后,總算做成一把勉強可用。我感到做傘的最大困難是要使傘能收起來。做一把撐開的傘不難,但如果不能收起來,就只能永遠撐在頭頂上,這種傘根本無法攜帶,當然不適用。

The descendants of these bygone owners felt it almost as a slight to their family when the house which had so much of their affection , had cost so much of their forefathers money , and had been in their possession for several generations before the d urbervilles came and built here , was indifferently turned into a fowl house by mrs stoke - d urberville as soon as the property fell into hand according to law 當這份產業根據法律一落到斯托克德貝維爾夫人手里,她就滿不在乎地把這所房子變成了雞舍,這在往日房主的子孫們看來,簡直就是對他們家的侮辱,因為在德貝維爾家來到這兒住下以前,他們對這所房子都懷有深厚的感情,花費了他們祖先大量的金錢,房子也一直是他們好幾代人的財產。

Prince bagration dropped his eyelids , looked round , and seeing the cause of the delay , turned away indifferently , seeming to ask , why notice these trivial details ? with the ease of a first - rate horseman he stopped his horse , bent over a little and disengaged his sabre , which had caught under his cloak 巴格拉季翁公爵瞇縫起眼睛,環顧四周,發現了慌亂的原因之后,便漠不關心地轉過身去,他仿佛在說: “不值得去干蠢事! ”他勒住馬,做出善騎者的姿勢,微微地彎下身子,把那掛住斗篷的長劍弄正。

That one ? yes , shes a good beastshe can catch a hare , ilagin said indifferently of his black and tan yerza , a bitch for whom he had a year before given a neighbour three families of house - serfs . so they dont brag of their thrashing , count , he went on , taking up their previous conversation 伊拉金用冷淡的語聲談起他自己的那只紅花斑的葉爾扎,他在一年前用了三戶奴仆才向鄰人買下了這只母犬, “那么,伯爵,你們的脫粒的糧食不能稱道吧? ”

Rostov saw how the tsars stooping shoulders shuddered , as though a cold shiver had passed over them , how his left foot convulsively pressed the spur into the horses side , and how the trained horse looked round indifferently and did not stir 羅斯托夫看見國王的微微向前彎下的肩頭顫栗了一下,仿佛打了個寒噤,看見他的左腳開始痙攣地用馬刺刺著馬的肋部,這匹受了訓練的戰馬冷淡地東張西望,它呆在原地不動。

If you wish , she answered indifferently . see how you ve mastered me ! she thereupon turned round and lifted her face to his , and remained like a marble term while he imprinted a kiss upon her cheek - half perfunctorily , half as if zest had not yet quite died out 于是她轉過身去,對著他仰起臉來,就像大理石雕成的一座界神一樣,讓他在她的臉頰上吻了一下他一半是敷衍,一半好像他的熱情還沒有完全熄滅。

Her clothes were becoming , and men - well - dressed men , some of the kind who before had gazed at her indifferently from behind their polished railings and imposing office partitions - now gazed into her face with a soft light in their eyes 男人們-那些衣冠楚楚的男人們,以前坐在他們氣派的寫字間里,從光亮的銅欄桿后面冷淡地看著她,現在卻用柔和的目光注視著她的臉。

Prince andrey had gone out into the hall and turning his shoulders to the footman who was ready to put his cloak on him , he listened indifferently to his wifes chatter with prince ippolit , who had also come out into the hall 安德烈公爵走到接待室,他向給他披斗篷的仆人挺起肩膀,冷淡地聽聽他妻子和那位也走到接待室來的伊波利特公爵閑談。

“ or will you allow me to show you several fine statues by thorwaldsen , bartoloni , and canova ? - all foreign artists , for , as you may perceive , i think but very indifferently of our french sculptors . 譯注和卡諾瓦卡諾瓦一七五七一八二二,意大利雕刻家。譯注的手筆都是外國藝術家。您大概能看得出,我對我們法國的雕刻家是非常漠視的。 ”

Accordingly , when light trading , short line investor should look on indifferently , and to long term for investor , it is the big inning that builds a warehouse into city 因此,交易清淡時,短線投資者應袖手旁觀,而對于長線投資者來說,則是入市建倉的大好時機。

England is very attractive to you , seeing how indifferently you have prospered there , he observed then , turning his calm face to his nephew with a smile “從你在那幾不太順利的情況看來,英格蘭對你很有吸引力呢, ”他對他的侄子轉過平靜的面孔,微笑著說。

I have not considered the subject , said he indifferently , looking straight before him . no , you men never do consider economy and common sense “可不你們男人從來不考慮經濟和常識問題,在留家庭教師事兒上,你該聽聽我媽媽。

The soldier , in his cape overcoat , walked a short line of ten feet at his corner , to and fro , indifferently whistling 這位軍人披著他那件帶斗篷的大衣,在他所處的拐角十英尺的范圍之內,來回走動著,漫不經心地吹著口哨。

“ it may be so , “ said the young clergyman , indifferently , as waiving a discussion that he considered irrelevant or unseasonable “可能是這樣的, ”年輕的牧師談淡地說,象是放棄了這個他認為不相干和沒道理的討論。

Oh , if ye can swaller that , be it so , he said indifferently , while one held up the pall that she sipped from “哦,你要是喝得下那種東西,你盡管喝吧, ”他在有人阻止她從牛奶桶里喝牛奶時滿不在乎地說。

He is amby seedling , the chap who used to sometimes come and help at talbothays , she explained indifferently “他叫阿米西德林,從前有時候在泰波塞斯做零活兒, ”她滿不在乎地解釋說。

This illusion ended when another young man passed along the aisle and poked her indifferently in the ribs with his thumb 一個青工從過道走來,無所謂地用大拇指戳了一下她的肋部。

The fire , at which he had gazed so indifferently the evening before , had sensibly increased during the night 他頭天晚上漠然看著的那場大火,一夜之間大大地蔓延開來。

The house was damp and decayed , indifferently furnished - evidently , recently occupied and temporarily used 那房子非常潮濕腐朽,家具也很平常顯然是最近才臨時使用的。