
indication n.1.指示,指出,表示。2.象征,征兆,跡象。3.【醫...


A faint or fleeting indication ; a trace 模糊的暗示模糊的或一閃即逝的暗示;跡象

There is every indication that they will continue to be a basic part of every control engineer's tool kit for many years to come . 各種跡象表明,在今后的很多年中,它們仍將是每個控制工程師的一套基本工具。

There have been no indications to date that the spaniards would take sides in the war as a result of this particular operation . 此一特殊行動的結果,并無跡象表示西班牙人將在戰爭中采取旁觀態度。

On air photographs, fault indications have one common property: they are always straight, or slightly curved . 在航空相片上,斷層標志有一個共同的特點,就是它們始終是平直的或輕微彎曲的。

But there does not have been any marked indication on the part of the politicians that the occupation should be abruptly terminated . 但政界人士方面沒有任何明顯跡象表明占領會馬上結束。

The indications of reform and self-improvement in china which have occurred over the past six to eight years are very remarkable . 中國在過去六到八年的改革和自我完善是舉世矚目的。

There are indications that a number of stars other than the sun have a planet, or perhaps several planets . 某些跡象表明,太陽以外的其他恒星也有自己的行星,甚至也許有幾個行星。

The question here is whether belief in spiritualism in the 1860s was an indication of a neurotic personality . 這里的問題在于十九世紀六十年代相信唯靈論的人是否就是精神病患者。

The structure of the beaver's brain gives no indication that the animal is any more intelligent than other rodents . 河貍的大腦結構并未顯示出它們比其他嚙齒動物更聰明。

The alternate system allows signal installations along a given length of road to show contrary indications . 交變系統,使一段給定路段上的信號器,展現相反的指示。

In fact, he treated any indication of more than routine interest in substance as excessive . 實際上,任何人對實質性問題表現出超過一般的興趣,他都認為是過份。

From this point backward through the middle period of barbarism the indications become less distinct . 從這個階段再往上追溯到野蠻階段中期,跡象逐漸模糊。

My first indication that something was wrong was that granny became terribly still . 我得到的第一個暗示表明出了問題就是姥姥一下子僵住了,變得令人可怕。

All indications are that it is everywhere basaltic and relatively constant in composition . 所有的跡象只表明海洋地殼處都是玄武巖質的,組成也比較穩定。

Far away were indications of suburban towns, some big smoke-stacks towering high in the air . 遠遠的地方,有城郊市鎮的影子,有許多高聳入云的大煙囪。

An acceptance of an offer becomes effective at the moment the indication of assent reaches the offeror . 接受發價于表示同意的通知送達發價人時生效。

Madge wildfire, who, among other indications of insanity, had a most overweening opinion of those charms . 瑪吉雖說瘋瘋顛顛,卻還特別愛個俊俏。

With his poor gift of expression he gave but indications of what he had gone through . 由于他太無口才,他對他自己這一段時間的經歷講得支離破碎。

The previous sections have given come indication of the high costs of agricultural taxation . 前幾節已經提到農業稅收高代價的一些指標。