
indescribable adj.1.難于描述的,形容不出的。2.模糊的,不明確的...


In the highest level , god is formless ; god is only bliss , light , happiness , and indescribable ecstasy - indescribable 而在最高的等級,上帝則是無形無相的,上帝是喜悅是光是快樂,和無法形容的陶醉,真的無法形容!

At his life ' s end , such a person , being established in dhamma and understanding sensations perfectly , attains the indescribable stage 完全成熟于法并徹底了知感受的人,當生命結束時,便能達到一種無法言詮的境地。

At last the tapping recommenced , and , to our indescribable joy and gratitude , died slowly away again until it ceased to be heard 最后,手杖聲重又響起來,令我們無比高興和寬慰的是,它又漸漸地遠去消失了。

However , as soon as i listened to the tapes with earphones and listened to the music to go to sleep , indescribable experiences took place 大聲聽時沒感覺什么,用耳機睡覺時聽,哇哈!其殊勝難一一言喻了。

He was renowned for his many actions of powerful magic , as a result of which the most marvellous , indescribable signs occurred 他精通各類儀軌藏傳藝術及科學同時擁有強大的神通力生前展現了不少靈驗事跡。

It was my first true success at club level , and when i saw the team bowing down i felt an indescribable feeling 那是我在俱樂部取得的第一次真正意義上的成功,隊友們向我跪下時,我的感覺真是難以形容。 ”

Now my joy is indescribable . i feel that i have found a real living master who responds to all my inner and outer needs 我覺得我已經找到一位在世明師,她不僅照顧我內在修行,并且照顧我外在身體的健康。

We will be as merry and as innocent as our first parents in paradise , before the arch - fiend entered that indescribable scene 在撒旦介入那美妙的樂園生活之前,我們會像我們的祖先一樣快樂和天真、無邪。

We will be as merry and as i ocent as our first parents in paradise , before the arch - fiend entered that indescribable scene 在撒旦介入那美妙的樂園生活之前,我們會像我們的祖先一樣快樂和天真、無邪。

S was then seized with an indescribable desire to know what was going on in the dungeon of his unfortunate friend 于是他又鉆進地道里,當他到達那一端的時候,恰巧聽到那獄卒在連聲驚喊,叫人來幫忙。

On the third day , we finally got on the train back to guangzhou , but my harvest during the five days was indescribable 第六天,我們終于踏上了回廣州的火車,這五天里所給我的收獲,是難以形容的。

This organic process , often leading to moments of extraordinary self - discovery , is of an indescribable fascination 這種有機的加工過程往往達到不尋常自我發現的境界,具有難以言表的構思魅力。

Seeing you will cause me an indescribable thrill , even at the sight of your handwriting will make me tremble 每一次相見都令我熱血沸騰,哪怕只是看到你的只言片語也足以令我心跳加速,無法自持

Seeing you will cause me an indescribable thrill , even at the sight of your handwriting will make me tremble 而每一次相見,都令我熱血沸騰,哪怕看到的只是你的只言片語,也足以令我神魂顛倒

“ i thank you , doctor , “ said villefort with indescribable joy ; “ i never had a better friend than you . “我謝謝您,醫生, ”維爾福說,高興得無法形容, “我從來沒有有過比您更好的朋友。 ”

There was an almost indescribable atmosphere about it which convinced the newcomer that this was the proper thing 這周圍有一種幾乎難以形容的氣氛,使得初來的人相信這里才是該來的地方。

This organic process , often leading to moments of extraordinary self - discovery , is of an indescribable fascination 這種構思過程具有難以形容的魅力,常常導致不尋常的自我發現的時刻。

Seeing you will cause me an indescribable thrill , even at the sight of your handwriting will make me tremble 看到你能讓我無法抑制地戰栗,甚至僅僅看到你的筆跡,也能讓我顫抖。

When he reached the middle of the room he stood still and murmured , in tones of indescribable sadness - 他走到了房間的中間僵硬地站在那兒,用一種難以描述的悲傷語氣嘟噥著說