
indent vt.1.把…刻成鋸齒狀,使犬牙交錯。2.使彎入,使凹進...


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to indent elements 獲取或設置一個值,該值指示是否縮進元素。

Edit , advanced , decrease line indent 編輯- >高級- >減少行縮進

When this option is selected , new lines are automatically indented 選擇此選項后,新行將自動縮進。

Body is the indented lines after the for 之后縮進的那些行。

Each paragraph of the body is usually indented five blocks 正文每段開始,一般縮進五個英文字母。

Indent on reserves to cover the deficit 動用儲備金來彌補赤字。

Specifies the number of spaces to indent 指定要縮進的空格數。

Gets or sets the number of small image widths by which to indent the 要縮進的小圖像寬度的數量。

Explains how to set default measures for tabs and indents 說明如何設置制表符和縮進的默認度量。

Options to define indents , tabs , and drag - and - drop behavior 定義縮進、制表符和拖放行為的選項。

This method writes the indent and resets the 此方法寫入縮進并將

How to : specify indenting in the editor 如何:在編輯器中指定縮進

Markup indented based on nesting level 基于嵌套層次的縮進標記。

An indented or concave surface or area 凹陷,洼地凹的表面或地區

Testing and qualification method for seed indent cylinder separator 窩眼滾筒分選機試驗鑒定方法

Indent continuation lines one tab stop 將連續行縮進一個制表位。

Indent your code within the scope of a code block java 在一個代碼塊的范圍內作縮進( java ) 。

Style to indent the text enclosed within all 標記內括起來的文本。

How child elements of a tag are indented 標記的子元素的縮進方式。