
indefensible adj.1.難防御的,難保護的。2.難辯解的;難辯護的。...


While a lot of ladies have given me their support , i received a barrage of criticism from the cultural circle and found my position utterly indefensible 了,雖然得到不少婦女的支持,但卻給文化界追打得百辭莫辯,有理說不清,我連

That person is certainly an indefensible of , so the medicine store owner make out right ? does he stop a murderous way how you see 那個人當然是理虧的,那么藥店老板做得對嗎?他制止謀殺的辦法你怎么看?

It is only the translation of this boredom and puzzlement into resentment and denunciation that seems to me indefensible 只有當這種厭煩與迷惑被解讀成憤怒與指責時,我就覺得很不得當

If we find a position indefensible , we can abandon it and take a new line of attack 如果我們發現一種立場難以立足,那么我們可以放棄這個立場,并展開一場新的攻勢。

In our time , political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible 在我們這個時代,政治演說和政治文章大多是為無法辯護之事進行辯護。

It ' s indefensible 那是無法抗拒的。

An indefensible assumption 站不住腳的假設

To opt out at the critical moment would be quite indefensible 在關鍵時刻置身事外的做法是決不不能原諒的。

It still appears indefensible 現在看起來也是一個弱點

- what was here before ? - nothing . an indefensible flank -那兒以前是什么? -什么也沒有,一個防守弱點

What was here before ? - nothing . an indefensible flank 那兒以前是什么? -什么也沒有,一個防守弱點

“ that ' s an indefensible lie , “ brother jack said “這是漏洞百出的謊言, ”杰克兄弟說。

“that's an indefensible lie,“ brother jack said . “這是漏洞百出的謊言,”杰克兄弟說。

It is indefensible as a sport . 作為一種運動,這是站不住腳的。