
indecorum n.1.不合禮節;不正派;不規矩;低級趣味;不體面。2....


How grievous then was the thought that , of a situation so desirable in every respect , so replete with advantage , so promising for happiness , jane had been deprived , by the folly and indecorum of her own family 吉英有了這樣理想的一個機會,既可以得到種種好處,又可望獲得終身幸福,只可惜家里人愚蠢失檢,把這個機會斷送了,叫人想起來怎不痛心!

A war is no excuse for indecorum 戰爭不成其為不端行為的借口。

For, as without law there is no sin, without eyes there is no indecorum . 因為正如沒有法律就無所謂罪惡一樣,沒有人看也就談不上什么舉止不雅。