
indecisive adj.1.非決定性的。2.不決定的;無決斷力的,優柔寡...


Words can obliterating rewrite wrong , wrong can tear up the paint - painting , only road of life is not wrong path , and so we must carefully treated in every step of life , but it is not so our life journey indecisive stop where we are and also is not to say that wrong step will also be losers beyond redemption , life , more importantly , the will and tenacity and the courage to admit their mistakes attitude found wrong on restructuring life orientation and the way forward , successful road 10 million , clause roads lead to rome , as long as we persevere , and we will never give up , will eventually open a new path , converge , won the final success and happiness 字寫錯了可以擦掉重寫,畫畫錯了可以撕掉重畫,惟有人生之路,走錯了卻沒有歸途,所以我們要慎重的對待人生中的每一步,但這并不是讓我們在人生的旅途中瞻前顧后止步不前,也并不是說走錯了一步就會滿盤皆輸萬劫不復了,人生中更重要的是,百折不撓的意志和勇于認錯的態度,發現走錯了就重新調整人生的坐標和前進的方向,成功的道路千萬條,條條大路通羅馬,只要我們堅持不懈,永不放棄,終會另辟蹊徑,殊途同歸,贏得最后的成功和幸福。

Pass by the machine cabinet the market that to call a disorderly , the brand is many , the brand is small , and the product characteristics is not outstanding , the service quantity did not guarantee , and the consumer is indecisive , and finally shut to fix attention on to bite the to rely on the felling to choose a brand , and bump the luck 過去機柜市場那叫個亂,品牌多品牌小,產品特點不突出服務質量沒保證,消費者無所適從,最后閉著眼咬著牙憑感覺選一個牌子,撞運氣。

But there are still great differences in some theoretical problems , such as ranges in commendam , indecisive consistency between oblivious property and lost one , the time limit of refusal to return or refusal to hand in , litigant forms , and in judicial practice , cognizance of non - crime , this - crime , mat - crime and some difficult and complicated cases 但還有一些問題仍存在較大分歧,如“代為保管”的范圍、遺忘物與遺失物是否同一、拒不返還或拒不交出的時間界限、該罪的訴訟形式等理論問題,以及在司法實踐中對一些疑難復雜案件罪與非罪、此罪與彼罪的認定問題。

Unfortunately , the government was indecisive and slow in taking up the parties ? well - meaning economic relief proposal . a timely and precious opportunity for working with legco in a spirit of mutual understanding is thus lost . the proposal , shoved aside by the government , turned out to be a heavy burden on the budget 可惜,政府對政界的善意訴求,反應遲鈍,未能有力地作出決斷及時地和議會合作,以速戰速決、互諒互讓的態度去共同商討,令到八黨派共識方案一直懸而不決,最終反而成為財政預算案的一個沉重的枷鎖。

The man always is sad to feel indecisive to the chemisette before have no woman ; after man have , the woman understood a woman at the most sad of time need a man to embrace her , letting her have the felling for depend on , only this and no more just 男人在沒有女人之前,總是對女人的傷心感到無所適從;男人有了女人之后,明白了女人在最悲傷的時候只需要男人抱一抱她,讓她有依靠的感覺,僅此而已。

Virgo & libra : libra ' s extravagant , indecisive nature bothers you , however libra ' s charm can normally melt your critical tongue . not likely to be lasting but it can be passionate while it lasts 天秤奢侈揮霍和優柔寡斷的個性使你困擾,但他們的魅力又總是輕易地消融你尖刻的話語。不太可能持久,不過在維持的時候還是滿懷熱情的。

A participant opined that the proposals for constitutional development should be implemented as soon as possible after public consultation , so that the public would not be left with an impression that the administration was indecisive 有嘉賓認為應在諮詢期過后,盡快落實政制發展,以免讓公眾覺得政府議而不決。

Some of the choices we didn t make , by being indecisive , also caused trouble . if we see something good , and we have the urge inside to change , and we don t do it , that also creates bad karma 有時候猶豫不決也會給我們造成困擾,例如我們看見好事,心里有一股動力想要做這個改變,但卻沒有付諸行動,這樣也會造惡業。

Cap . ramsey : i don ' t mean to suggest that you ' re indecisive , mr . hunter . not at all . just , um … complicated . of course , that ' s the way navy wants you . me , they wanted simple 我不是說你個性猶豫不決,杭特先生,絕無此意。只是…呃. .復雜了點。不過,海軍就是要你復雜一點。至于我,他們只要求我簡單明嘹。

Psychological maturity is along with the growth of the age one individual experience increases , had more comprehensive knowledge to the view of the thing , work also more “ overcautious and indecisive “ 心理成熟是隨年齡的增長一個人閱歷增加,對事物的看法有了更為全面的熟悉,做事也更“瞻前顧后” 。

Keep your business to yourself . don ' t share all your problems . even if you resolve them you ' ll have left the impression that you ' re indecisive or unable to cope with pressure 自己的事情自己做,不要事無巨細都向同事請教。因為即使你已經解決了問題,你還是會給人優柔寡斷或無法面對壓力的不良印象。

Keep your business to yourself . don ' t share all your problems . even if you resolve them you ' ll have left the impression that you ' re indecisive or unable to cope with pressure 自己的事情自己做,不要事無巨細都向同事請教。因為即使你已經餼雋宋侍猓?慊故腔岣?擻湃峁訊匣蛭薹?娑匝沽牟渙加蟆

Avoid without rhyme and reason : in general , a lot of things always are piled and cluttered up on the desk will make people feel not only distractive , but also anxious and indecisive 避免雜亂無章:有些人的辦公桌上永遠堆積雜亂,一般來說,這不僅使人不能集中精神,而且還覺得緊張和無所應付。

Harry levinson , an american management psychologist , had catalogued problem bosses , from the bully to the indecisive jellyfish to the disapproving perfectionist 美國管理心理學家哈里?萊文森將問題老板做了個分類,從欺壓下屬的恃強凌弱型到缺乏主見的優柔寡斷型,再到求全責備的完美主義型。

We let too many mundane troubles cloud our vision . that s why we are indecisive . we cannot make decisions because we do not know , we are not clear 我們讓太多的世俗煩惱模糊了我們的視線,所以會猶豫不決,因為我們不知道不清楚,當然就無法做決定。

There is the choiceness of the billiards sort simply , would let indecisive … … of the wicketkeeper of pain and sufferings you shoot of whether door can get a goal or not 簡直有臺球般的精巧,會讓痛苦的守門員無所適從… …你射的門是否能得分呢?

Some worthless scoundrels gathered around him and opposed rehoboam son of solomon when he was young and indecisive and not strong enough to resist them 7有些無賴的匪徒聚集跟從他、逞強攻擊所羅門的兒子羅波安、那時羅波安還幼弱、不能抵擋他們。

On october 1st newspapers in moscow were idly speculating over who might be ukraine ' s prime minister after yet another indecisive election 十月一日,莫斯科的報紙還在不緊不慢地觀望,在下一場非決定性的大選后,誰將成為烏克蘭的總理。

Even if every road led to rome , when our mind is indecisive , constantly wandering , and unable to concentrate , we will never make it to our destination 三心二意無定性,四處徘徊不專精,盡管條條道路通長安,卻永遠無法到達終點!