
incorrect adj.1.錯誤的,不正確的;不妥當的。2.原稿未經妥善...


I am sorry to say the bill you sent me was incorrect 很遺憾,你拿給我的張賬單不正確。

Example provides a sample of incorrect code 樣例提供了不正確程式碼的樣例

Otherwise , the result might be incorrect 的元素;否則,結果可能不正確。

Warning c6268 : incorrect order of operations 警告c6268 :錯誤的運算順序

Company fined for making incorrect employer s returns 雇主填報不正確雇主報稅表罪成被罰

Incorrect methods and its prevention in inquiring witness 詢問證人中的不當方法及其防治

I noticed a lot of models with incorrect pivot points 我看到很多模型的中軸設置錯誤。

Their statement incorrect we disprove as follow 他們的陳述不正確,現提反對意見如下。

The following p / n ( part number ) are incorrect , please recheck 以下零件號有誤,請核查!

Taxpayer fined for filing incorrect tax return 納稅人因不正確填報稅表被罰

In another database returns null or incorrect results 的查詢將返回null或錯誤的結果。

Incorrect cure can make a symptom aggravating instead 不正確的治療反而會使癥狀加重。

If you have some mp3s with incorrect comments , use the 如果您的一些mp3的注釋有誤,用

Incorrect platform invoke or com declarations that use 平臺調用不正確,或者com聲明將

Road wheel incorrect finish on bolt cone seat 合金輪圈螺栓安裝位設計不恰當

The result is subjective and incorrect 為此,急需開發系統的自動分析軟件。

Technically speaking , the name is incorrect 嚴格地說,用這個名詞并不正確。

Most likely the path to the dll is incorrect 很可能是到該dll的路徑不正確。

Taxpayer fined for making incorrect tax return 納稅人因填報不正確報稅表被罰