
incontestability n.不可爭,無可爭辯。


It uses xml encryption , xml signature and ssl technology to design and implement the solution of transmission of tender and evaluation documents separately which are based on the different security requirement . the solutions guarantees the secrecy , incontestability , integrity and identity authentication in the transmission of the bidding documents 在標書傳遞子系統中根據不同的安全需求,使用xml加密、 xml簽名和ssl技術分別為投標書和評標書設計并實現了安全傳遞的方案,確保了標書傳遞中的保密性、完整性、長期不可否認性、時間有效性和用戶身份正確性。

How to ensure confidentiality , authenticity , incontestability , and integrality of shared information is a practical and important subject 如何確保網上共享信息的保密性、真實性、不可否認性和完整性,是一個現實而又重要的問題。