
inconsiderable adj.不值得考慮的,無足輕重的,些微的。adv.-bl...


As it is no inconsiderable affair to spend the carnival at rome , especially when you have no great desire to sleep on the piazza del popolo , or the campo vaccino , they wrote to signor pastrini , the proprietor of the h ? tel de londres , piazza di spagna , to reserve comfortable apartments for them 在羅馬度狂歡節不是一件輕而易舉的事,尤其是如果你不愿意在呸布爾廣場或凡西諾廣場上過夜。所以他們寫信給愛斯巴廣場倫敦旅館的老板派里尼,吩咐為他們保留幾個舒適的房間。

Certainly in every public work which in it anything of gravity contains preparation should be with importance commensurate and therefore a plan was by them adopted whether by having preconsidered or as the maturation of experience it is difficult in being said which the discrepant opinions of subsequent inquirers are not up to the present congrued to render manifest whereby maternity was so far from all accident possibility removed that whatever care the patient in that allhardest of woman hour chiefly required and not solely for the copiously opulent but also for her who not being sufficiently moneyed scarcely and often not even scarcely could subsist valiantly and for an inconsiderable emolument was provided 彼等遂采取一項方案7不知為深思熟慮之結果,抑或出自積年累月之經驗,尚難斷言。因后世研究者意見紛紜,迄今尚無定論:分娩乃女性所面臨之最大苦難。當此之際,只需交納微不足道之費用,不論其家道殷實,抑或僅能勉強糊口,乃至一貧如洗,產院律施以必要之醫療,俾使孕婦免遭任何可能發生之意外。

Now love being hit by though in club , all paying has been that previously never , i exceed or imagine , but , now i have achieved , any has not polished , neither extravagant demand any bring back a report , i wish the club of sichuan microsoft of university is maturing well , expands unceasingly . be use and self enthusiasm and devotion annotation sweat let me direct on she but role inconsiderable i all the time 現在的我,在俱樂部中雖然是個微不足道的角色,但我始終用自己的熱誠與汗水詮釋著我對她的愛,所有的付出是我以前不曾超越或想象的,但是,現在我做到了,沒有任何修飾,也不奢求任何回報,只愿四川大學微軟俱樂部茁壯成長,不斷壯大。

It is plain that one may gain no inconsiderable body of learning in some special field of knowledge without at the same time acquiring those habits and traits which are the marks of an educated gentleman 顯然,一個人可以在某一知識領域修養很好造詣頗深,卻沒有獲得有教養之士的標志? ?文明的習慣與特性。

Of course shooting the film in rome was an added feature of not inconsiderable weight 當然了,拍攝外景地選在羅馬并非無足輕重,而是又一吸引人之處。

He said : “ three points suspended is not inconsiderable and it will be a deterrent 他說道: “三分的緩期處罰不是微不足道的,而是一種威懾。 ”

“ yes , indeed , and received no inconsiderable pleasure from the sight “見過,不錯,而且看得非常高興。

His contribution was not inconsiderable 他的捐款不算少。

Exporting may involve a not inconsiderable investment of resources 出口牽涉到的資源投資是很龐大的。

He passed his life in an inconsiderable village 他在一個小小村落中度過他的一生。

All other inventions and discoveries were inconsiderable or at least subordinate . 所有其它的發明和發現都顯得微不足道,或至少退居次要地位。

It is surely out of place to write in the grand style of inconsiderable things . 如果內容微不足道,而文體十分莊重,那肯定是不適宜的。

Her not inconsiderable talent is dwarfed by his . 她的不可忽視的才華,比起他來,就是小巫見大巫。